Grass Fed Cows



  • Rhea30
    Rhea30 Posts: 625 Member
    Before I had grass-fed beef, I would eat the Walmart 97/3 Very Lean and remembered it was very dry and crumbly. I then purchased the same lean cut of grass-fed beef and it was very moist and tender. Now I stick with 90/10 grass-fed beef from Sprouts. But there is no comparison between the two-its yummy with Katsu sauce.

    I love the beef at Sprouts!!! I never had such good beef before until eating some of theirs.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I agree that grass fed beef is better tasting but even if it's not and it only just as good, look what you gain. No homones, no anti biotics, freshness. I just looks better! If you can get a part of a cow butcherd and at a reasonable price, do it!
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    I eat beef from this farm frequently:

    I don't find the taste or texture significantly different than grocery store beef. It's a little bit 'beefier' - if that makes sense, but I have found it's always juicy and tender.
  • mikeyboy
    mikeyboy Posts: 1,057 Member
    I get hay fed, stall kept, local raised herford beef.... the best I have had.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I use both grain and grass fed.
    Overall, I prefer grain fed with more fat-marbling which is better tasting, and it's less expensive.
    The grass fed is healthier, and it's "politically correct"
    When I grill, I always go with grain fed T-Bones or Rib-eyes, but for my healthy dishes, I will toss in an organic beef blend from 5 star meats.
    They deliver, but the meat cost twice what I can pick up at the market.
    I do not know if it's worth the extra cost really. Decide for yourself and just see what works best for you.
    Anyway, I wish you well with your meal planning.
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    I used to live in Argentina, everything there is grass fed, and delicious.

    I've been disapointed by steak anywhere else in the world though.

    So you obviously have not eaten Welsh Black beef, or Aberdeen Angus then ?

    Or to take it a step further Kobe beef ?
  • Honka1
    Honka1 Posts: 5 Member
    A lot of places will let you buy even just a quarter of a cow. Last year I bought a 1/2 cow which was... 200+ lbs of meat delivered to me. Freezer was PACKED. I let the farmer walk me through picking cuts and sizes, but they had a premade form with suggested portions (1lb bags, 1/2in thick filets etc etc). These cows were grass fed and grass finished, effectively organic too but hadnt been certified. TASTED GREAT. Definately different flavor and texture, good red color. The ribeyes and filets werent as red as I am used to, but maybe that just means the stores dye their cuts more often than I thought! My only problem was that I got a few pieces that I didnt know what to do with. This farms products were all flash frozen (CO2 poured on it) with good packaging so it never got freezer burn, and I eventually figured out what to do with the odd cuts. Same experience with the pigs I bought. The only part I didnt like as much as store bought... the bacon. I actually liked Oscar Meyers' better... but the breakfast sausage was insanely good!
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    We purchased a quarter cow and have tried most of the cuts. The flavor is spectacular. The texture of most of the cuts was more difficult than the grain-fed we were used to -- tougher and chewier -- but we did some research and adjusted our cooking methods (or I should say, I did the research and my mom adjusted, as I don't cook meat). Texture problems went away.
  • chris1816
    chris1816 Posts: 715 Member
    I used to live in Argentina, everything there is grass fed, and delicious.

    I've been disapointed by steak anywhere else in the world though.

    So you obviously have not eaten Welsh Black beef, or Aberdeen Angus then ?

    Or to take it a step further Kobe beef ?

    Kobe beef, yes, it's good, but I prefer Argentine steak still. I have not had any Australian beef though I heard it comes very close.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I used to live in Argentina, everything there is grass fed, and delicious.

    I've been disapointed by steak anywhere else in the world though.

    So you obviously have not eaten Welsh Black beef, or Aberdeen Angus then ?

    Or to take it a step further Kobe beef ?

    I haven't had Welsh Black or Aberdeen Angus but I have had Kobe and honeslty, I was unimpressed. Oh, it was good but not $75 a pound good. The value vs. the price was just not appealing to me. I was on a corporate expense account dinner so it wan't my dime but I've never felt the desire to repeat the experience in the 12 years since.
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    I used to live in Argentina, everything there is grass fed, and delicious.

    I've been disapointed by steak anywhere else in the world though.

    So you obviously have not eaten Welsh Black beef, or Aberdeen Angus then ?

    Or to take it a step further Kobe beef ?

    I haven't had Welsh Black or Aberdeen Angus but I have had Kobe and honeslty, I was unimpressed. Oh, it was good but not $75 a pound good. The value vs. the price was just not appealing to me. I was on a corporate expense account dinner so it wan't my dime but I've never felt the desire to repeat the experience in the 12 years since.

    Would never dream of eating/serving Kobe beef as its way out of my price range but its considered to be the best in catering circles ? and to say you were unimpressed is a tad ott especially if you were on a freebie

    Welsh Black is what i serve in my restaurant, Aberdeen Angus is considered to be the best but I put Welsh Black on par if not better, especially Pedigree Welsh Black which i have been selling now for 15+yrs

    And just for the grass fed followers pedigree Welsh Black Beef is raised on the grass lands of Welsh Mountains no grain :bigsmile:
    more info here
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    I used to live in Argentina, everything there is grass fed, and delicious.

    I've been disapointed by steak anywhere else in the world though.

    So you obviously have not eaten Welsh Black beef, or Aberdeen Angus then ?

    Or to take it a step further Kobe beef ?

    Kobe beef, yes, it's good, but I prefer Argentine steak still. I have not had any Australian beef though I heard it comes very close.

    Australian ?:noway: different part of the world.......... WALES,,,,,,,,Welsh black SCOTLAND .......Aberdeen Angus
  • ldyminerva
    ldyminerva Posts: 21
    This is the local farm i'm thinking of going know if they ever contact me back! :)

    They say they are grass fed and grass finished and I like the idea that they will send me a free sample to try before I buy.

    thank you all for your great imput, I think it is worth a shot!

  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    ummm call me insane, or raised in the country, but all cows are fed on grass....or is that just here...I know in the really bad winter they sometimes supplement them with silage, but that is grass...I buy local meat, as it has low food miles, and I know where it comes from, but am a bit bewildered about this whole non grass fed thing....
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    ummm call me insane, or raised in the country, but all cows are fed on grass....or is that just here...I know in the really bad winter they sometimes supplement them with silage, but that is grass...I buy local meat, as it has low food miles, and I know where it comes from, but am a bit bewildered about this whole non grass fed thing....

    You poor, lucky country bumpkin.

    Here is a VERY mild, non-offensive overview:,9171,1200759,00.html

    If you really want to know how most cows are treated nowadays, try Googling "industrial beef".
  • Jishmeister
    Jishmeister Posts: 108
    I go to school where all the restaurants serve grass fed beef and it's much lighter on the stomach. It's way better than the other crap.
  • mamafivetimes
    mamafivetimes Posts: 6 Member
    It's expensive where I live, so I only can afford the local, grass-fed ground beef which is FAR superior to what is sold in stores. I noticed there are no mystery chewy balls and it seems much leaner, there is little to drain but it isn't dry and crumbly, it stays moist.
  • mogriff1
    mogriff1 Posts: 325 Member
    I've cut back on red meat tremendously, but when I do eat beef I buy grass fed beef and it does taste 'beefier' in my opinion, I can't describe it, but for some reason I want to say 'cleaner' , leaner and more natural tasting. It's alot healthier too. It's yummy. (My Poodles eat grass fed ground beef too!). :laugh: