I suck at being supportive

which is why I don't "friend" people regularly.


Someone says, "I'm not losing weight, whhhhhhyyyy??"

I respond.

I give info. I ask a question.

I even take the time to look at someone's diary and realize they are only eating 800 cals/day; comment on that.

Person says, "Weigh in is tomorrow morning before coffee and breakfast. Hopefully I see some results."

Um, yeah.

Really looks like the person did not read a single word of what I wrote, and certainly didn't answer the questions I asked, so why should I keep the person on my friends list?

Overwhelming optimism doesn't work alone.


  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Empathy is a good thing ;-)
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I have no friends like that. Simple. My friends like to eat and indulge, know their limits and I'm pretty sure all of them eat more then 1200 calories. I delete people that start talking about throwing up dinner (no offense to ED people, I just don't want to hear about it), I delete people that constantly complain about not losing weight and I delete people that only log in about once a month.

    All my friends understand true weight loss and fitness takes time and patience. There is no room for complaining if you don't want to put in the work.
  • 912systems
    912systems Posts: 19 Member
    I really have no Idea of what to say
  • 912systems
    912systems Posts: 19 Member
    But I would like too