Looking for Pregnant MFP buddies



  • mommy2B1
    mommy2B1 Posts: 1
    hello all, congrats on your pregnancy, I myself am looking for woman who I can relate to with my pregnancy, its hard becuase i want to workout hard core but I cant plus I had first lost 90 lbs, then gained back 50, i am currently 36 1/2 days prego, and ready to change my lifestyle around.... Ofcourse for now I cant do much of nothing but walk, but I still want to maintain my weight and stay healthy.. You all are more than welcome to add me as a friend , so we can support each other throughout our beautiful journey,,,,
  • dknowsbest
    dknowsbest Posts: 27 Member
    Hi Ladies! I'm 17w pregnant & I'm having a little bit of a hard time with gaining weight. I lost 20lbs right before getting pregnant & so far I've gained 8lbs during my pregnancy. I know that I'm doing this for the baby, so I'd never let anything get in the way of that, but I have friend who gained 80-100lbs during pregnancy & that FRIGHTENS me. Not to mention, my midwife is obsessed with BMI & mine was higher going into pregnancy. Anyone else having a hard time with this?
  • Amburglar
    Amburglar Posts: 32
    Due Jan 22nd :) Little concerned about gaining weight, but I know it has to happy for the development of a healthy baby. My biggest challenge has been cutting back on working out. Still gong 4-5 times a week, but I can't push myself like before.
  • Due Feb 25th. I had been lackadaisically trying to lose weight but now I'm using this to make sure I don't gain 60-80 pounds like I did with my other children. This will be #4, and my youngest is 9 and my oldest is 16, so I'm still reeling from this surprise. Just hoping to keep my appetite, and weight gain, in check!
  • princess_in_power
    princess_in_power Posts: 234 Member
    Been away for awhile, found in Feb I'm due Oct 2012, already put on 20lbs for this pregnancy and I didn't change ANYTHING about my diet (in fact I was eating less), ugh, SO I'm back to try and get myself back on track!!
  • TChelleD
    TChelleD Posts: 19 Member
    6 weeks along with baby # 6 for me and my fiance. My third; his fourth :). Due Feb 24th. Im excited, and scared. Im even a little disappointed, I was just starting to get the hang of losing some of this weight, lost 12 pounds and now I have to start eating more again. Cant wait to see doctor to figure out how to handle my exercise and my calorie intake.
  • CReinisch
    CReinisch Posts: 5 Member
    5 weeks along w baby #1. Was still a good 20lbs from my goal weight, but excited with the news (it was planned). Want to eat enough for baby but really afraid of gaining too much weight! Hoping to keep exercising through pregnancy too, but I'm exhausted all the time, so this is hard!
  • JamieBP27
    JamieBP27 Posts: 1
    Hi Friends!!

    I just found out I'm pregnant and I'm really looking for some friends here to help me maintain my goals. I'm ALWAYS HUNGRY!! I've lost 20lbs and I'm so happy with that, but I still have a good 30 to go. I don't have to lose anymore now, but I want to stay healthy and keep working out. Please feel free to add me. I'm due March 24th. :)

    Does anyone have some super low calorie snacks they can share? Really, I cannot stop eating. It's driving me bonkers!
  • AliKK
    AliKK Posts: 11
    Hello! Congrats to everyone :) I am 27 weeks preggers (due Oct. 24th)... and I was using MFP regularly before getting pregnant. Then I became SO sick in the beginning that I stopped doing everything! Exercising and eating (because I couldn't keep anything down!). But now I'm feeling better, and I want to get back in the swing of things... does anyone know if there are settings that you can adjust to display that your pregnant and adjust goals?? I tired saying I wanted to gain weight... but that just allowed me to eat WAY more then I needed too... and I want to gain healthy weight, not "because I can" weight. Thanks!
  • MamaRandall
    MamaRandall Posts: 243 Member
    Hello! Congrats to everyone :) I am 27 weeks preggers (due Oct. 24th)... and I was using MFP regularly before getting pregnant. Then I became SO sick in the beginning that I stopped doing everything! Exercising and eating (because I couldn't keep anything down!). But now I'm feeling better, and I want to get back in the swing of things... does anyone know if there are settings that you can adjust to display that your pregnant and adjust goals?? I tired saying I wanted to gain weight... but that just allowed me to eat WAY more then I needed too... and I want to gain healthy weight, not "because I can" weight. Thanks!

    We have the same due date!! I'm pregnant with baby #4 and have been using MFP faithfully for 3 years and 2 pregnancies!
    I have custom changed my goals to what works for me. I eat back all my exercise calories and changed my protein to 40%, carbs 30% and fat 30%. I also have found that if I don't focus on gaining weight and just focus on eating what I should and not overeating, I have been gaining the amount I want. So far, at 27 weeks I'm up 23 pounds. It works for me!
  • Hi everyone! I am 26 wk + 4 days along (due Oct 31st) with my second child and i've gained 13lbs so far.

    I am thrilled to find this thread as I thought I might be the only pregnant person tracking with MFP. To be honest, I just started tracking a couple of weeks ago because I wasn't eating the healthiest and was feeling pretty terrible. Now thanks to MFP i'm eating way healthier, getting in the proper amounts of protein/carbs/fats and just overall feel better. It makes a huge difference when you actually SEE what you are eating as opposed to just mindlessly snacking (like I was doing). I want this baby to be healthy as well as making sure I am too! I haven't gained anything in the last month- which always seems strange to me in pregnancy, even though my bump has grown, yay! Good luck everyone and congrats on all of your pregnancies.
  • eribooo
    eribooo Posts: 10
    Hey everyone!
    I'm due November 16th, and just rejoined MFP. My one hour glucose test came back a little elevated, and honestly I'm not surprised. My first 20 weeks I gained 3 pounds, and then it avalanched- and I'm up 17 in the matter of a month. Right now I'm waiting to get my 3 hour test scheduled, but thought I'd might as well get the ball rolling and get into better shape! I'm so happy to see other ladies on here expecting babies. Please, feel free to add me and commiserate. :P
  • mrsmustgetmuscles1
    mrsmustgetmuscles1 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi, just found out this weekend that I'm pregnant with baby #3, due around March 2nd (so it's still really early, only about 4 weeks right now). I also hit my goal weight this weekend as well. Since most 1st appointments aren't until 8 weeks I won't be able to see my doctor for a while, but think I'll email her to ask what my calorie intake should be. I just increased it from 1200 to 1400 because I was so close to my goal and wanted to start trying to eat at maintenance to see how it worked. I didn't gain much weight with either of my other children, 21lbs and 16.5lbs, but kept on an extra 5bls with both (they were both 7lbs 7oz). I'm starting this pregnancy off much healthier, not just with the lower weight, but because I exercise 2-4 times a week. I'd love to have some friends on here to go through this with, so please feel free to add me if you want to go through this wonderful journey together! Congrats to us all :happy:

    Update - MFP won't let me delete this so I thought I'd update. I miscarried at around 7 weeks so I'm no longer in the pregnant group. Good luck to all of you keeping healthy while growing your little ones.
  • Hi, just found out this weekend that I'm pregnant with baby #3, due around March 2nd (so it's still really early, only about 4 weeks right now). I also hit my goal weight this weekend as well. Since most 1st appointments aren't until 8 weeks I won't be able to see my doctor for a while, but think I'll email her to ask what my calorie intake should be. I just increased it from 1200 to 1400 because I was so close to my goal and wanted to start trying to eat at maintenance to see how it worked. I didn't gain much weight with either of my other children, 21lbs and 16.5lbs, but kept on an extra 5bls with both (they were both 7lbs 7oz). I'm starting this pregnancy off much healthier, not just with the lower weight, but because I exercise 2-4 times a week. I'd love to have some friends on here to go through this with, so please feel free to add me if you want to go through this wonderful journey together! Congrats to us all :happy:

    Update - MFP won't let me delete this so I thought I'd update. I miscarried at around 7 weeks so I'm no longer in the pregnant group. Good luck to all of you keeping healthy while growing your little ones.

    I'm so sorry for your loss :(
  • I'm pregnant as Well with baby #4. Due February 2013. Please add me ladies.
  • Hi, just found out this weekend that I'm pregnant with baby #3, due around March 2nd (so it's still really early, only about 4 weeks right now). I also hit my goal weight this weekend as well. Since most 1st appointments aren't until 8 weeks I won't be able to see my doctor for a while, but think I'll email her to ask what my calorie intake should be. I just increased it from 1200 to 1400 because I was so close to my goal and wanted to start trying to eat at maintenance to see how it worked. I didn't gain much weight with either of my other children, 21lbs and 16.5lbs, but kept on an extra 5bls with both (they were both 7lbs 7oz). I'm starting this pregnancy off much healthier, not just with the lower weight, but because I exercise 2-4 times a week. I'd love to have some friends on here to go through this with, so please feel free to add me if you want to go through this wonderful journey together! Congrats to us all :happy:

    Update - MFP won't let me delete this so I thought I'd update. I miscarried at around 7 weeks so I'm no longer in the pregnant group. Good luck to all of you keeping healthy while growing your little ones.

    So very Sorry for your loss.
  • vegasmari
    vegasmari Posts: 120 Member
    Just found out I'm due in April..... I changed my MFP settings to maintenance, which increased my calories from 1300 to 1750. I then read somewhere you should up your calorie intake in the 2nd trimester by 300 and in the 3rd trimester by another 450.

    I gained 50lbs last time and I refuse to do it again!!
  • MaudeBeige
    MaudeBeige Posts: 282
    *Sneaks in and looks around....
  • I am currently 13 weeks with my first :) Well, I'm 16..
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    Due March 3, 2013. Doctor says he wants no weight gain and gave me the ok to keep losing slowly.