no more motivation bleh

So when I started mpf, I wanted to loose about 30lbs. So I'd currently lost 15lbs, and even though that's not my original goal weight, I feel comfortable in my body, and actually pretty happy with how I look and feel. I'm not tiny, but I'm a size twelve and I like my curves. My problem is that about a week ago I decided that I want to join the Air Force. Technically, I'm still on the heavy side for them. My upper body strength is crap; I can't do a pull up, and have an extremely hard time doing push ups. I've started going to the gym, and doing strength training, which is all well and good, but it's making me so much more hungry than I normally am. As a result I've gained back 2 lbs. I'm sure only part of it is muscle and part of it is the eating, but ugh, it's so frustrating. Even though I am really excited to join the af I'm having a really hard time motivating myself, because I like how I look, and when I strength train I get really hungry.

I don't know what the point of this post is really, other than that I needed to get my frustrations out, but if you have any advice or tips feel free to reply :)


  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    after two weeks of lifting weights you have NOT gained 2 pounds of muscle. you are retaining more water than usual due to the lifting.

    settle down and keep lifiting if you want to join the force, then get in the shape they require and quit whining.

    and if you think I am being rude or tough, wait till you get to boot camp. get busy!
  • cgernhard
    cgernhard Posts: 11
    lol i think you are rude cause you're not my co and i don't have to take crap from you. when i do join and my co yells at me then i'll happily take it. anywho, i'm not here to fight i just wanted do jot my thoughts down. that's cool though. i suppose telling someone to "quit whining" can be good motivation.

    alllso i'm not going to boot camp, i'm going to ots, but you know, technicalities. it's not like they're not going to push me physically.
  • bekahg2012
    don't stress about the apparent weight many things affect our weight on a scale. in a few weeks, if you're still weighing in heavier than you'd like, start thinking about what you can do that might help. for now, if i were you, try eating more protein before you go lift, or save enough calories so that after you lift you can sit down and have a filling snack or meal. your muscles will thank you! i think you drink a lot of water to begin with but make sure you are getting enough before and after lifting.

    and keep at the push ups! when i started working out regularly, i couldn't do a real push up. after a year i could do close to 15, and that was with very simple at home arm strengthening.