i've lost 20 pounds but..

i've lost all motivation to work out. i mean like all motivation. im 5'6-7ish and weigh 140 pounds. ive gone from a size 10 to a size 4-6. i want to weigh 130 but i feel like for my frame it wouldnt be a good idea (i have broad shoulders and kinda wide hips). i just had a baby she is now 8 months old and naps HORRIBLE. and just started her teething so she wakes up at night like 2 times. i work also part time so im just exhausted. my husband works 10-12 hours a day so im the main caregiver to our daughter. so by the time my daughter does actually go to sleep i just want to relax or clean. is anyone else struggling? I want to run a half marathon next year in may (i used to run like crazy before i got pregnant. like 5 miles twice a day). i was going to wake up at 530 to start running but my daughter has started waking up earlier (around 545 or 6). does anyone have ANY advice? i want my body back :(


  • austindog2
    austindog2 Posts: 128
    Maybe buy a jogging stroller and take your daughter with you? They have mother/baby yoga classes, etc. that you could also look at to incorporate your daughter in your workouts. Or, get some do-at-home DVDs like Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, Ripped in 30, etc. that you could do after your daughter goes to bed. 30DS is less than 30 minutes, and completely do-able.

    Good luck!
  • junipuni
    junipuni Posts: 264 Member
    Rest is important. I would also suggest a jogging stroller so you can take your daughter with you.
  • amanda_ataraxia
    amanda_ataraxia Posts: 400 Member
    I also have a child who does not sleep or nap well and he is 2!

    I also suggest the jogging stroller. If I didn't have mine, I wouldn't get half as much in as I do. I walk/run him to and from the park. I take him running outside on a local trail.

    I also used to wear him in a baby carrier a lot. Which that burns calories, too obviously. And it helped him take a nap while I got some things done.