Single Dad trying to get in shape

Hello, ive been on her a few weeks but decided to actually post something. Im a single dad of 4 kids living in MN that just got tired of what i saw in the mirror and realising im not getting any younger..nor am i turning any heads, lol. I want my beachbody back that i had living in CA those many years ago.

I started P90X and im just wrapping up the 3rd week. Its kinda fustrating that i can see some change but i am barley loosing any weight. The muscle is more then fat syndrom. But i keep plugging away and like i said i am seeing and feeling a difference in myslef.

Hardest part is the calorie watching, i still feel like i am starving most of the time and still havent gotten into a menu groove but i have managed to keep it at the 1500 calorie mark.

Feel free to add me for chat, support and can never have too many friends :)


  • cgrout78
    cgrout78 Posts: 1,679 Member
    I"m in Minn as well!!! Feel free to add me as a friend!!
  • CajunNino
    CajunNino Posts: 269
    I can relate to wanting to get back into shape. I'm a father of 3 myself. Started making little changes at first, like no sodas etc, but really made a commitment about a month ago and so far it's paid off. I wish you the best. This site has been very helpful for useful information. Good luck, buddy.
  • TrinaHillier
    TrinaHillier Posts: 54 Member
    I am a single Mom trying to get into shape. Feel free to add me.
  • blonde71
    blonde71 Posts: 955 Member
    I'm a parent too (though not single) so can relate to trying to juggle family and fitness.

    I'm not in MN but we're practically the same age so feel free to add me as well. :smile:
  • Jkc9059
    Jkc9059 Posts: 151 Member
    If you are doing P90x 1500 is not enough to fuel your burn. Try uping your calories to lose. I also live in MN/ND right on the border so you can add me if you would like. I am pretty new.
  • PrayerofAmity
    PrayerofAmity Posts: 176 Member
    Single mom here too and can really relate with the not getting any younger part. Stick too it and you'll have the results you want. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • Doreen0211
    Doreen0211 Posts: 15
    Hi. I just joined recently. I've been curious about P90X. I've been doing Insanity for a couple of months and have seen very good results, though I've hit a stand still and realized it's because of what I'm eating. I just revamped my eating habits to eating 2000 calories per day of plenty of meats and veggies, and keeping carbs to under 100 g per day - carbs to include everything from fruits to starch. My personal problem for a while was thinking since fruit was a natural sugar and good for you, it was okay to eat a bunch of it. Now I realize, though it's good for you, it still has to be counted as total carbs. Since doing this for a few days, I already feel a massive difference in energy and I don't feel like I'm hungry all the time and I've lost a pound since only yesterday. My biggest problem is keeping motivated to want to work out (and staying away from the local frozen yogurt parlor).
  • Doreen0211
    Doreen0211 Posts: 15
  • Hope502012
    Hope502012 Posts: 98 Member
    Getting older was a realisation for me too. I've sent you a friend request:smile:
  • casperuk
    casperuk Posts: 195 Member
    Single dad myself here. check out my blog post as to why I started :) Add me if you want another bloke who knows exactly what you're going through
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    You might rethink your calorie restriction- I eat 1500 a day to lose and I'm a 5 foot tall woman! I think you need to eat more and then I bet you'll see a big difference :)
  • casperuk
    casperuk Posts: 195 Member
    You might rethink your calorie restriction- I eat 1500 a day to lose and I'm a 5 foot tall woman! I think you need to eat more and then I bet you'll see a big difference :)


    I started at 2100. Am down to 1850 and I lose between 2 and 4lb a week.

    6'2" male and started at 330lbs
  • MarcoRod
    MarcoRod Posts: 150 Member
    Are you eating or netting 1500 cals? If you are eating only 1500 you are not going to be able to get through all of P90X. Your body will start to fail and you could injure yourself. Suggestion is to follow the nutritional guide inputting you weight, height, etc. Also, the quality of your calories is really important. Fried, fatty or highly-processed foods will not get you into the shape you want.

    BTW - I also have 4 kids and have done P90X twice and P90X2. It works and you will be in the best shape of your life.
  • chattycathy50
    hi single dad,
    glad to meet you. im in TX. Im a single mom of 3 sons for the last 19 yrs.
    Im no expert by far but I would say you are not eating enough calories each day and that is why you are not losing weight.
    Are you using the minimum recommended amount that myfitnesspal suggests as your daily intake?
    Actually eating more will help you lose better. I know it sounds weird but you have to eat to lose. Since you are working out a lot you should add more proteins for better muscle building and carbs for more energy. Use lean meats, eggs, fat free milk and yogurt, legumes, beans, tofu (complex carbs, fiber) and whole grains (carbs, fiber). You also get carbs and fiber along with vitamins in your veggies and fruits. Really its just about balancing it all. I started at 384 lbs and as of today am down to 280 so far. I really had to learn that keeping my calories to low wasn't helping. I would lose but it was slow going and disappointing. I eat three meals and two snacks a day.
  • Pinky1147
    Pinky1147 Posts: 105
    Feel free to add me for chat, support and can never have too many friends :)

    agreed! :) request sent
  • Jude1064
    Jude1064 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi! I agree with the other posts you should be eating more calories. I'm a single mom myself. Tough job but the most reqarding thing I've ever done. What part of MN? Spent lots of summers in the Bemidji area. Love it there! Good luck on reaching your goals. This site is wonderful way to do it.
  • ZoobityBop
    ZoobityBop Posts: 22

    If you really want to get in shape then I'd recommend for you what's called the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet. One of the best products I've ever used and definitely my favorite. You should take a look here:

    Good luck.