Getting Ready for a Wedding!

saun5870 Posts: 31 Member
Hey everybody
a little about me!- I live in Colorado on a ranch! My fiance and I work for some farmer/ranchers and take care of around 1000 head of cows & calves. We are getting married Sept 29 2012 at our place in the country!

I work at a bank so I am sitting around a lot.. I have always been active and played volleyball, basketball, & track in high school. Worked out through college and only gained 5lbs. In 2011 I did a weight loss competition with some friends and lost 16lbs in 12 weeks. I worked out 30-45 min a day 5x per week and ate super healthy. Since then I have put 10lbs of that back on and I don't know why! I have been working out and eating pretty healthy just snuck up on me I guess! It isn't the same this time since last time I tried to lose weight I had a team and now I am all alone! I have a membership at a local gym and I have been working out a lot and trying to eat healthy in order to get in shape for my wedding. I don't really care as much about losing weight I just want to be really toned and look good on my honeymoon! I am 5'7" and currently weigh 165. My ultimate goal is 140-145 range but I really don't care as long as I am in the 140s and I feel good about myself!! One thing I will add is I was born without a thyroid and have taken synthroid for my whole life. Right now I feel good and my dosage is right but it sure is frustrating dealing with this problem! Anybody else around my age (23) have thyroid issues?

I just found out about my fitness pal and I am going to try and be very faithful while posting on here. Even if I am talking to myself I don't care. I need someone/something to keep me accountable!! So here goes :]


  • Tiffany220
    Hello new friend! Congrats on your upcoming wedding :) I am also getting married this year on 12/12/12! I see you are in Colorado, are you safe from the fires? I hope so!

    Looks like we have similar goals and lifestyles. I've gone through some thyroid testing myself, but luckily my numbers are not bad enough yet to have to rely on any meds. My mother had hers chemically removed years back, and as I am sure you are aware that type of stuff is genetic (lucky me!). I am also aiming for the 140s for my wedding so I'm happy to keep you motivated if you'll do the same for me!

    Good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • Medea81
    Medea81 Posts: 69
    I'm almost 31 (I still hate that number, lol) and I have Hosimoto's Disease, so I take a low dose of levothyroxine (generic Synthroid)
    My doctor did tell me that it is harder to lose weight when you have a thyroid problem, but to keep at it, and not give up because you can do it, it just takes a little more time!
    I just started my healthy lifestyle so I don't have any tips or tricks yet, I just know I'm eating a lot of fruit! (not a big fan of veggies, I'm trying though)
    Good Luck! Congratulations! and stay safe from those wild fires!
  • saun5870
    saun5870 Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks! I am on the far north east corner so I am safe from the big wildfires in CO Springs and Fort Collins but there are many grass fires out where I live. Last Thursday we had three only a few miles away and had to pack up the house!! Scary but we got some rain so thank God for that!! Hopefully safe for a while now :] Yes I will need all the motivation I can get as I live with a thin fiance who can eat a whole cake and not gain an ounce!! Little by little I know I will get there. I joined the Biggest Loser July Group on here have you guys heard of it?? Looks kinda fun! Plus, always can use a little competition to get going :]