Just Joined and saying hello

Hi everyone I just joined and no I have no friends gained too much weight so I keep to myself Best friend Laila died 3 months ago dog in laymen terns my Baby in dog lovers term. I eat out so I definitely need help and suggestions my favorite is mcdonalds grill chicken salad and I eat weight watchers. I have a question if i eat say 900 cal a day and workout comes out to 760 am I keeping weight on or what thanks and hello to all:smile:


  • ahelsel1970
    ahelsel1970 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi and welcome.

    I doubt if you are eating enough calories to lose weight. If you don't eat enough your body will start preserving what you did eat and your metab. will slow down.
    I am eating 2000 a day with one hour of walking and losing weight.

    You can do it but starving yourself will not work. If you eat 900 and use up 760, your are only giving your body 140 calories for the day. That can't last.

    Hope that helps. Jusat my opinion. I am not a doctor and and don't play one on TV either!! :drinker:
  • ewhirly02
    ewhirly02 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi there!

    In my opinion you should definitely be eating more than 900 calories a day. I don't know your current height/weight, but the lowest you should really go is 1,200 for a female. If you go to settings and put in your height, weight, goals, etc it should give you a suggested caloric intake for each day. If you are working out at an intensity that you burn over 700 calories a day your body needs fuel from food. If you burn too many calories and aren't eating properly your body will go into starvation modewhere you won't lose weight. The best advice I can give is try to eat as many all natural foods as you can. The less processed foods the better. Your body will get some much more out of natural foods as far a essential vitamins and nutrients and typically you will stay full longer. There is definitely an adjustment period of changing you diet, trust me, I went through one.

    I'm no expert, but if you need some recipe ideas I would highly recommend SkinnyTase.com, Hungry Girl and Undressed Skeleton. Pretty muchall the recipes on these sites have nutrition info so you can track calories easily!
  • Ajmead
    Ajmead Posts: 56
    Hi, feel free to add me :)
  • angeleh8
    angeleh8 Posts: 15
    Welcome! Good luck on your weight loss journey! Feel free to add me! (:
  • Hi there!

    In my opinion you should definitely be eating more than 900 calories a day. I don't know your current height/weight, but the lowest you should really go is 1,200 for a female. If you go to settings and put in your height, weight, goals, etc it should give you a suggested caloric intake for each day. If you are working out at an intensity that you burn over 700 calories a day your body needs fuel from food. If you burn too many calories and aren't eating properly your body will go into starvation modewhere you won't lose weight. The best advice I can give is try to eat as many all natural foods as you can. The less processed foods the better. Your body will get some much more out of natural foods as far a essential vitamins and nutrients and typically you will stay full longer. There is definitely an adjustment period of changing you diet, trust me, I went through one.

    I'm no expert, but if you need some recipe ideas I would highly recommend SkinnyTase.com, Hungry Girl and Undressed Skeleton. Pretty muchall the recipes on these sites have nutrition info so you can track calories easily!

    I totally agree with ^... That has been my experience. And as far as eating less processed foods, you will feel better inside-out when you start eating more natural stuff. The more 'ingredients' it has (especially those that you can't pronounce), the more processed it is and the less valuable it is to your body.
    And I agree! I love the ideas, the recipes and the easy tracking information on SkinnyTaste.com!! It has made eating healthy a very delicious thing! And it even caters in a healthy way to my sweet tooth!
  • Hi MsTaraB, I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. Wish you a lot of strenght with that; I know how it feels!!

    I agree with the others before me; you should eat enough calories. Sounds strange that you should eat more, but if you're hungry I can guarantee you you'll fall back. I think 1200Kcal is already a very good challenge. Try to work out 3x a week. You should be able to burn 300Kcal-550Kcal per workout. Perhaps someone at the gym wants to guide/motivate you?

    What is your age? Just be your wonderful self, and people will love you. It's that simple!!

    Good luck and if you want, add me as a friend! I'll be your first Dutch friend ;-)
  • susiebear29
    susiebear29 Posts: 266
    so so sorry to hear about your dog, i know how it feels totally heartbreaking. As everyone else has said above you need to eat more than 900 cals, what daily goal has MFP given you? it should definitely be at least 1200 but even that is quite low, it all depends on your weight/height/activity levels. Please feel free to add me i'll be here to support you :smile:
  • ahawks98
    ahawks98 Posts: 19
    Hi, welcome and wish you the best in your efforts to get healthy. I have to agree with everyone else, you should be eating at least 1200 calories/day. Anything less is not healthy for you and at the end you sabotage your efforts because you'll be starving and too weak emotionally to make right food choices so you'll end up eating anything on front of you, yes I've done it myself just last night. I was too lazy to fix something so I ended up reaching for the chocolate bar sitting next to me :(

    Please feel free to add me, I like friends :) Ana