Feeling down

I am pretty devastated:sad: right now. I have been trying since June to drop 10 more pounds and I just can't seem to do. I exercise and I try to eat right. I have lost 65 pounds and in I am the same weight as I was in June. I don't know why I can't drop ten more pounds. Well, I guess I do know I get :cry: depressed and just eat. Now I know this is wrong because I used to be diabetic but because I have lost so much weight I have been told by my doctor that I am not diabetic anymore:happy: , but if I continue this way I will be again. I try to be active but once I get food on the brain no matter what I am doing I just keep thinking about the snacks and won't stop thinking about it until I eat it. Sampling is out of the question:angry: no I have to keep on eating until it is almost gone. What can I do? Why can't I keep on losing the weight as before. I ecercise 4 days a week and most times I stay at 1500 calories. :happy: . Then there are those days that I eat everything in sight and then berate myself:sad: Any suggestions would be helpful. :smile:


  • annalouisa08
    To keep myself from the dreeded platue.... I eat every 2-3 hours for example I might eat oatmeal for breakfest with green tea(green tea revs up the metabolism) then about 9:30am I eat air popped popcorn with olive oil, then for lunch I eat tuna salad, or anything salad or a sandwich. I drink alot of water and alot of green tea. Then afternoon snack I'll eat an apple with peanut butter and Dinner I just balance it out with something healthy could be anything like chicken stir fry. I also move around my work outs. I do spinning alot you burn 800-1000 cal in 45-60 mints. I also do dancing (Zumba) for my strength training and cardio. I have gone from 223 down to 202. I hope that helps you out a little. You can do it!!! If you eat every 2-3 hours you will not be hungry just remember your calories and make sure the food you are eating is healthy. Maybe give yourself a cheat day. That works for me!:drinker: I wish you the best!!!
  • pkgirrl
    pkgirrl Posts: 587
    Aww sweetie that sucks!

    Are you near your goal weight? Is this the last 10? That makes it SO much harder. It's good that you recognize the emotional eating though, and don't worry, you will not become diabetic again. You know what you went through to get this far, and you need to think of that whenever you're down. Think of how amazing you truly are. What's 10 stubborn pounds to you? You've lost 65, you can, and will, lose another 10!

    Just an idea, but when you feel the urge to eat when your not hungry, get out of the house! Just grab a water bottle, and go for a walk. Sometimes a little you time will help you think about whatever was troubling you, and when you get back the nasty cravings will be gone, and you will have gotten some exercise in. And even if you still want a cookie, you've just earned one :)

    Good luck, and keep us posted on your progress!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    You already know why you're not losing it...the question is, how do you fix it? I get depressed and eat too...I often think how much more weight I could be losing if I could smarten up. Try to have more good days than bad, and try not to let your bad days be as bad as they could be...eventually the weight will have to come off. :flowerforyou:
  • lrbluett
    I want to thank everyone for the advice they gave me. :smile: I will certainly try each and everyone of them. I have more than 10 pounds to lose. It is just when I weighed in June I weighed a certain weight and 6 months later I have not lost much weight even though I exercise 4 times a week and really go at it hot and heavy on the weekends with the exercising. I will lose 4 or 5 pounds and I am happy and think I can slack off a little and boom I have put the pounds back on. It is this vicious cycle that I can not seem to get out of:explode: I want to move on and get back to how it used to be when I first started losing weight:embarassed: I have been stuck on this 65 pounds for so long that I lost:blushing: I still have :smile: the desire and I will keep it up. Thanks everyone. :heart: