How do you stay active when your body doesn't co-operate?

I've lost 23 pounds so far and feeling the energy to start being more active. I'm actually quite excited to do so. My doctor did warn me though, that my body isn't going to be capable of a lot of activity just yet. I have a lot of problems that have been caused by being so heavy for so long. I have Plantar Fasciitis, Sciatica, Arthritis in my hips and knees, and Chondromalacia. I actually have been feeling so much better that I took three walks yesterday (one for 30 minutes with my daughter, then two 15 minutes walks with my dog). I didn't think I had done too much until I woke up this morning and stepped out of bed, and almost fell. My heel feels like a knife is going into it with every step, and my knee feels almost like it is out of joint and is now grinding and popping with every step. I can barely even move. Clearly my body is not yet ready for that level of activity but I do want to be more active. Does anyone have any advice for me? Especially to strengthen my lower body? I know aqua aerobics is great and I love the water but for the time being I can't afford a gym membership. Please help me out.


  • Di3012
    Di3012 Posts: 2,250 Member
    I've lost 23 pounds so far and feeling the energy to start being more active. I'm actually quite excited to do so. My doctor did warn me though, that my body isn't going to be capable of a lot of activity just yet. I have a lot of problems that have been caused by being so heavy for so long. I have Plantar Fasciitis, Sciatica, Arthritis in my hips and knees, and Chondromalacia. I actually have been feeling so much better that I took three walks yesterday (one for 30 minutes with my daughter, then two 15 minutes walks with my dog). I didn't think I had done too much until I woke up this morning and stepped out of bed, and almost fell. My heel feels like a knife is going into it with every step, and my knee feels almost like it is out of joint and is now grinding and popping with every step. I can barely even move. Clearly my body is not yet ready for that level of activity but I do want to be more active. Does anyone have any advice for me? Especially to strengthen my lower body? I know aqua aerobics is great and I love the water but for the time being I can't afford a gym membership. Please help me out.

    Can you swim?

    Swimming puts no pressure on joints as you are weightless in the water. It could be brilliant for you whilst you lose weight and as you get lighter, everything will be that much easier.

    1 hour of breaststroke swimming burns approx 600 calories, such a fantastic activity.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    I've lost 23 pounds so far and feeling the energy to start being more active. I'm actually quite excited to do so. My doctor did warn me though, that my body isn't going to be capable of a lot of activity just yet. I have a lot of problems that have been caused by being so heavy for so long. I have Plantar Fasciitis, Sciatica, Arthritis in my hips and knees, and Chondromalacia. I actually have been feeling so much better that I took three walks yesterday (one for 30 minutes with my daughter, then two 15 minutes walks with my dog). I didn't think I had done too much until I woke up this morning and stepped out of bed, and almost fell. My heel feels like a knife is going into it with every step, and my knee feels almost like it is out of joint and is now grinding and popping with every step. I can barely even move. Clearly my body is not yet ready for that level of activity but I do want to be more active. Does anyone have any advice for me? Especially to strengthen my lower body? I know aqua aerobics is great and I love the water but for the time being I can't afford a gym membership. Please help me out.

    Can you swim?

    Swimming puts no pressure on joints as you are weightless in the water. It could be brilliant for you whilst you lose weight and as you get lighter, everything will be that much easier.

    1 hour of breaststroke swimming burns approx 600 calories, such a fantastic activity.
    Go slow, or you'll injure yourself and throw off all progress. Get into swimming.
    All Is Possible!
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,679 Member
    Pick up a stability ball and learn wall squats to help reduce the pressure on your knees. Try walking barefoot around the house more to help stretch out your plantar fascia. In general, just movement alone (even just side to side stepping, etc.) is good exercise if you're really heavy and joints hurt.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Gordie580
    Gordie580 Posts: 154 Member
    Always remember. This is not a fast process but a slow learning curve. Just do what your body can handle. Good Luck
  • vjrose
    vjrose Posts: 809 Member
    I think you just overdid it. Throttle back a bit, a friend of mine started with 10 minute walks, then 15, and after 3 months he is up to gardening for as much as 40 minutes, that is huge progress, but he did it in baby steps. You will get there, just be patient. I started on a manual treadmill at home (all I could afford and it was winter) and I could barely do 10 minutes when I started. Now I can get on the treadmill at the gym and do a quick walk mile at the end of a 45 minute workout and not feel tired. Patience and moving. Consider a fitbit when you can afford one and set some goals for yourself, adding a few more steps each day. I have one and had surgery last week and I am tracking my recovery by how many steps and stairs i can add each day.
  • PrayerofAmity
    PrayerofAmity Posts: 176 Member
    Thanks. I do know swimming is great (I used to be a competitive swimmer) and I love it. The problem is getting a pool to swim in that is free and available during my non-working hours. I am trying to figure something out though. And thanks Ninerbuff for the tip about the ball. I'll give that a try. :)
  • Lynn_SD
    Lynn_SD Posts: 83 Member
    Try to join a fitness center with a pool, the YWCA/YMCA will actually give you a sliding scale of membership fee so if money is that tight, you don't have to pay the entire fee.

    Otherwise, after your current flare subsides, I would consider buying a recumbent bike for home use. Check out your local Sports store to see what fits you best, you can get a good basic bike that will track your heart rate for about $200, one-time investment. Set it up in front of the TV and the time will just float away.

    Once you are healed up from the walking, sounds like you really need to pace yourself. Try walking again but increase pace/time much more slowly.

    Don't give up, there are a lot of us on MFP with illnesses like fibromyalgia and we are still struggling to exercise even though we face some very specific and difficult limitations.
  • LisaEileen
    LisaEileen Posts: 185 Member
    I completely understand. I have fibromyalgia, arthritis and a bunch of other stuff. It's a struggle to get out of bed without pain killers some days. I have started and stopped this journey several times in the past 10 years. But, in January, I was determined to start and not stop...ever. I started out doing 15 minutes of whatever I felt like doing. Biking, walking, elliptical, etc. It's been a lot of mind over matter for me. But, now I'm able to do intense workouts like Turbo Fire, Chalene Extreme, Hip Hop Abs and take hour long walks. I still have days that my body just doesn't want to cooperate and I have to really push through it. Keep doing what you're doing. Add a few minutes to your walks every few days. When the weight starts coming off you'll feel better and better and be able to do more and more. Try biking. When my body is really hurting, I usually can still get on my bike. There are some easier exercise DVD's out there you could try. Leslie Sansone Walking DVDs. With a DVD, you can always pause for a bit if you need to. You don't need a gym membership to make this happen. You can even check out exercise DVD's at the library. Don't think about what you can't do now. Praise yourself for every minute of what you can do now. If I can do it, so can you!
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    I have a chronic connective tissue disease and terrible joints; my exercise capability is diminishing over time and has fluctuated considerably over the years, from being in wheelchair to being on crutches, to barely able to move. I have or had have every condition you list. Here's what I've learned:

    1) STRETCH. My daily routine no matter where I am or what I'm doing is to get up, drink a full class of cold water, get a cup of coffee and get down on the carpet/mat. (even if this means I have to get up early to do it) Given your injuries/conditions I would ask your doctor for a referral to a physical therapist (am surprised that you're not already there) and have them work up a stretch regimen that works for you. Then do it religiously. If I don't stretch it's a matter of days off the routine before I'm in much more pain. Stretching helps my knees, back, feet, ankles, etc.

    If Physical Therapy is not an option, there are several good links on stretching on the internet. Just start slow.

    2) WATER. If you can't join a gym, this is the summer in the Western hemisphere - do you live near a public pool? If not, the Y will generally let you join as a single adult (don't know about fams) for 50.00 with a monthly rate of 35 or so a month (varies, depending on location). That may sound like a lot but it's about a dollar a day once you get past the joining fee. For that you get access to the pool. I'm not "promoting" the Y, I'm just pointing out an alternative. Some communities have "community pools" for an even lower fee for the summer (although some are higher, you just have to do your homework.)

    3) STRETCH. See 1. I also stretch before I go to bed at night, although I'll sometimes let this one go. The morning stretch - never.

    Good luck.
  • PrayerofAmity
    PrayerofAmity Posts: 176 Member
    Great advice thanks. I think our bodies should get with the program and help us out a little when we're only trying to help them lol. I will pace myself better though, as hard as that is.
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    I think it is great that you are making changes & feeling the positive impact of those changes. I think that maybe you just did too much yesterday & your body isn't ready yet. Which is VERY frustrating. I am not in the exact same position as you but let me tell you where I am right now so you can see that I totally get where you are coming from.

    I started my journey on January 2, 2012. I was not very overweight but I have been gaining & my solution had been to just keep buying bigger clothing. I have had years of fatigue & joint pain. I injured my hip summer 2010 which resulted in surgery in Dec 2010 & a long road of recovery. Fast forward Jan 2012. Tired of gaining weight, tired of being tired, tired of joint pain I made the decision not to diet but to get healthy. A friend led me to MFP. I started changing my diet by cutting out soda & turning to water (which I used to hate, now it is all I drink) cut back on the sugar & creamer in my coffee & hit the elliptical for 15 min a day. By the middle of February I was up to 30 minutes a day. I switched out to videos & started Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred the Ripped in 30.

    Things were going great. My fatigue & joint pain greatly reduced. I enjoyed my healthier foods / exercise & lost 11lbs (my goal was 20 to 25 so not a lot) . In may I started walking with a neighbor we would walk 2 to 5 miles just depending on how much time we had. In June I added back in 30 Day Shred. I was doing great but by the 2nd day of the last level I noticed signs of exercise fatigue so I decided to drop the video for a while & just keep walking as wanted to do a 5K in September. Well 2 days later (last Wednesday) I bent over to tie My shoe & slipped a disk in my back. Now I am on no activity until @ least Wednesday then depending on my response to treatment (steroids/anti-inflamitories/pain killers) I may be able to ease into walking flat surfaces only.... I adjusted my calories tto just try to maintain but due to steroids gained 2lbs this week even though calorie wise I should have staid the same or gained maybe 1/4lb.

    All that long winded to say I understand when our brain wants to do more than our body can handle at the time. I would cut back to one 15 min walk or maybe 2 ten minute walks (one morning & afternoon) and increase as your body allows. It is ok to take it slow. I think it is great that you are doing so well. Try not to let your body's inability to keep up with your brain get you down. Now, if I can just follow my own advice! !

    Feel free to friend me if you wish.
  • happyfrogg
    happyfrogg Posts: 86 Member
    Congrats on your loss so far! Fantastic!

    I totally understand where you're coming from; it seems every time I start exercising something happens to my body that forces me to stop. Like you I have (or had) chondromalacia / patellofemoral syndrome, and I've also badly sprained both ankles on separate occasions, experienced chronic rotator cuff problems, tendonitis... the list goes on. Recently, I made it through six weeks of the Couch to 5K program before developing shin splints which have forced me to take a break from running. Super frustrating!

    Here's what I can suggest: swimming, and gentle yoga. Like, really really gentle yoga / stretching, especially since you have several different issues. Ideally you should check out a class to learn how to do the poses properly; unfortunately in my experience I've had a hard time finding a yoga instructor who understands / recognizes the challenges of doing yoga while overweight. If you have Netflix, try checking out this yoga video: (I think you could also find it on amazon)-- I've found it to be very gentle, very relaxing, and helps with some of my pain.

    Swimming or deep water aerobics are great ways of getting in exercise with very little pressure on your joints. If you're like me, you'll have to get over the total hassle of swimming (shave, get to pool, change, swim, shower... way less convenient than just going for a walk in your own neighborhood) and-- perhaps more difficult-- the self-consciousness of being in a bathing suit in public. I've made a deal with my brother to start swimming again on Monday, so if you want a virtual swim buddy feel free to add me :flowerforyou: .

    Good luck!

    Edited because my response was too slow: I see that you're working on getting to a pool-- awesome! And I really would encourage you to look into physical therapy (ask your dr.) and then actually stick to the therapist's plan. My chondromalacia has basically faded to nothing since working on stretching all my leg muscles, especially the IT band. Wall squat with the ball was one of the exercises prescribed for me and they really help with strengthening / alignment.
  • PrayerofAmity
    PrayerofAmity Posts: 176 Member
    Lol thanks busy. Your story really did make me smile. I will try to slow it down a little. :)

    Thanks for the recommendation happy. I'll check it out.
  • LisaEileen
    LisaEileen Posts: 185 Member
    I completely agree with stretching! I should have added that into my response. I found some stretching DVD's at Pawn America during their Tuesday DVD deals. I can't remember exactly how much...2/$5 maybe? I discovered I MUST stretch to feel decent. Yoga is awesome too like others have said. It is still really hard for me at times, but I know it helps me. Try not to feel bad when you have to take a rest day. I'm telling myself this today. I had a really active week and my body is just not happy today. So, I'm going to lay around knitting and reading a lot today. I might take the kids to the pool for awhile and just walk around a bit and take the dog for a short walk. But, no workout today. You have a great attitude about this. You're going to do great!
  • PrayerofAmity
    PrayerofAmity Posts: 176 Member
    Thanks Lisa. I'm actually going to see my parents today and their building has a pool. I'm thinking I'll take a nice slow walk in the water (and do some stretching :smile: ) to try to get my body moving a little and work out the kinks.