
Hi there, I have been on here for nearly two months and have found some really good friends, recently had to get rid of some as the were not supportive and their posts made me feel bad about myself and my journey. I would love to find some more motivational friends to join the ones I currently have. I like to think I am also motivational and supportive, I comment daily on my friends achievements and take a great interest in the food diaries of my friends.
You don;t have to have your diary open but it does help with support and motivation. Feel free to have a good read of my profile and look at my pictures and then add me if you think you would like a new friend xxx
I look forward to meeting you all! xxx


  • Pinky1147
    Pinky1147 Posts: 105
    I'll add ya!! That's horrible that made you feel that way!! WTG in getting rid of them!!
  • Carllinda
    Carllinda Posts: 5
    I would love to help keep u motivated it is not easy and it helps when u have good friends that will help u
  • Pinknspooky
    Pinknspooky Posts: 34 Member
    Add me too - would be great to get another uk friend and I am finding that I need the 'eyes' on me to motivate me along - always been a secret dieter and think that is why it has never worked.

    I really get your motivation on your profile as my story is similar and you are doing so well it would be great to link up
