Help Me!!

I have about 80 pounds to lose. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and they put me on medications that have made me gain close to 60 pounds over the past year. I was also forced to move in with my parents and have no friends really. Thanks to this, I have gotten used to being in bed on the computer the majority of time I am not working.

I joined a gym when I was unemployed, but now I work at a gas station and have gained even more weight since I started going to the gym and now I am emberassed that the people working at the gym are wondering why I am getting even fatter.

I work at a gas station which makes eating healthy kind of difficult, though I am putting in an effort.

Staring in January, I worked out 4 or 5 days a week for close to 5 months but lost no weight and I think it is because of the medication I am on.

If I dont stay on this medication, my parents will ship me back to the nuthouse where they will put me on even more weight gaining medication.

I am kind of at the end of my rope here. I dont have any friends, significant other and absolutely none of my clothes fit anymore not even underwear or bras. I can't really afford to buy new clothes. Does anyone have any suggestions about how to lose weight??


  • CoachJNeal
    CoachJNeal Posts: 1 Member
    I feel your pain! Pack healthy meals to work. Don't give up on yourself! Keep your fitness pal updated and don't cheat. If you keep to the calories they suggest and don't go over you will start to see a difference. It takes time! and control. I know I'm in the same boat. I need to lose 20lbs and I am struggling myself. But I need to lose this weight if I want to continue coaching Special Olympics. I can't keep up and I'm always tired. Hang in there I'm rooting for you!!!! :smile: