Been here for a bit but not on the boards till now

:happy: Hello ya'll - Happy Holidays! :flowerforyou: I have been using the site as my food and excercise log but have never gotten on the boards. Although some don't agree I chose to get Lap band surgery on 10-5-09 as another tool to help me in the battle with my weight. So far I am proud of my progress- I had to lose 25 lbs. prior to surgery and now I am down 46lbs total. I am also working out 3-4 times a week. This site has really helped me. So just inroducing myself and saying hello!! :smile: -Kris


  • crucible_13
    Welcome. I just joined today and hope to have great progress. Good luck with your goals.
  • shamm08
    shamm08 Posts: 109
    Welcome, wow 46 pounds is awsome congrats on that.
  • cajun2
    cajun2 Posts: 15
    :bigsmile: wow, congrats! keep up the great work
  • cajun2
    cajun2 Posts: 15
    :smile: You will love this site, it is awesome. Try printing out your food plans ahead of time it helps keep you hones.
    Have fun with this, it is the best site I have found.:heart:
  • AdrienneLich
    Hi, it's nice to meet you! I have also been here for a while, but just now tried the forums. I would like to say congrats on your weight loss. So far, I have only lost 4 pounds, but that's because I kinda slacked off for a while, and just recently got back on track. I got a gym membership a few days ago, so I plan to go there at least 3 times a week. A friend of mine got me into Zumba, so I am doing that twice a week at the gym, and then going there a 3rd day to swim and use the exercise machines. I am here if you or anyone else needs me. Have a great night :)