101 goals in 1001 days...

So I stumbled across a website through pinterest.com...101 goals in 1001 days. Mine begins today. I've worked on my list for the last 4 days to make sure I got it right. Now instead of rushing to lose my weight overnight, I can focus on healthy eating, daily exercise and rebuilding my body on a cellular level. The thing I like most about the 101 is that it can be a makeover of your entire life. Mind, body, and finances...and not just your physical. I think its important when you're redoing your life, that you keep a healthy balance. Its easy to forget your WHY when you become physically fit. If you're single people give you attention that you may have never had before and its easy to lose sight of WHAT and WHO is important. But if you start out your journey goal focused...including your WHY's and WHO's then its easier to stay focused and in control of you.
My why (i have 2) to teach my daughter to be fearless and to live the life of my dreams instead of existing in the life of my nightmares...
Step #1: The list
ACHIEVE 101 W/70K! Start date July 1 end date March 28...
Read Getn things done
Planner qd x 1001d’s
Log 1001d’s on MFP
Lose 101lbs
Cook dinner qd x 1mo.
A new recipe wkly
Take a cooking class
HIIT 24mins 3xwk
Ride my bike q/wk
Complete couch to 5k
Run a 5k
Run a 10k
Run the warrior dash
Do 6wk body makeover
Do Insanity
Do p90x
Do a Triathlon
Get a makeover
Buy a new wardrobe
Buy a new rebounder
Help 1 do 101 in 1001
Purify my environ. qwk
Lengthen Ni’s hair qwk
Stay abstinent
Support a campaign
Habitat for Humanity
Renew my nsg license
Get my Ky nsg license
Read MK’s biography
B.A.T.H.E.D. qd x 1001 (mental)
MK director
MK Queens Court of Sales
MK Queens Court of Sharing
Earn a MK Cadillac
Top director trip
Debut as a MK NSD
Redo my bedroom
Redo Ni’s room
sentence qd journal
Start a video blog
101 photo journal
Write my 1-5 yr letters
Join the 5am club M-R
Have a bday party
Get braces
Eat at the CCFactory
Eat a Herman burger
Ride in a hot air balloon
Ride a train
Salsa on the square
Create a legacy trunk
Take dancing lessons
Learn how to kayak
Bulls eye w/a gun
Bulls eye w/a bow
Learn to sew
Learn to ride a horse
Learn to ride a motorycle
Learn to fly
Learn to play chess
Spanish fluently
French fluently
Chinese fluently
Sign language
Take a family portrait
Create a garden oasis
Visit the Freedom Ctr.
Go to a NFL game
Go to an art gallery
Go to a winery
Go to a beach
Take Ni on a Disney cruise
Create Fly w/Ni
Join a book club
Read 101 books
Get my life license
Get my Sec.’s License
Complete 31 days to fix your finances
Do my FNA
Save $1 qd x 1001 days
Pay student loans off
Credit score 800
Add 16k to DFRR
Add 8k to IRA
Add 8k to E.F.
Buy a new dog
Buy a new house
Write my life
Get my book published
Finish Sahara
Finish Ni
Launch toon site
Graduate from MB
Produce 5 new tv shows
Auto Desk in Las Vegas
Study health 5hrs/wk
Study finance 5hrs/wk
Study product. 5hrs/wk
Study biz 5hrs/wk
Start the LOVE group

Step 2: Start a notebook giving each goal its own page. Cost of achieving goal assumed/achieved (any time I spend money on a goal I have to list it on the sheet). Include a picture of each goal when achieved...Hmmmm here we go!
