
saraketner Posts: 53
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone! I am new to MFP (about 4 days). I have been dieting on my own for a couple of months but recently a friend turned me on to this and I am obsessed!! I love the food diary! My goal is to lose about 20 pounds by the middle of January.. I know, during the Holidays, I must be crazy right!?

Does anyone have a good strategy for surviving Thanksgiving? We are going to my relatives for the day and I have absolutely no idea how to calculate my calories for that day. To top it off I have been designated to bring my "famous" baked brie appitizer!! I am a little freaked out about trying to stay on track. Or is it just easier to consider it a "flop" day and get back on track friday.
I would really appreciate any suggestions or tips from anyone!


  • auntbliz
    auntbliz Posts: 173 Member
    If I were going to relatives and having a big dinner, I would try to take small portions of the things I wanted, and drink lots of water during dinner, no pops or juices. I would also not count calories that day, I'd want to enjoy being with family and not worry about how much weight I was gaining. It's one day, enjoy it, just don't go crazy. I also would not bring home the offered leftovers, except maybe turkey ;) Hope you have a good one, I love being with family on the holidays.
  • My plan for Thanksgiving is to eat all the things I would usually enjoy, but in moderation. Don't think I will log the day, but at least I will know I enjoyed myself AND worked hard to stick to my goals. Even though I am going to be out of town and away from my routine, I am going to try to get to the hotel gym, or just go for walks to continue to excersie.
    Good luck!
  • rachelle21
    rachelle21 Posts: 3 Member
    Always use a smaller plate. Just eat your favorite things in a small moderation. You dont have to eat everything. Dont eat things that you can eat anyday, just special things. You can do it! just keep your mind on your goals. Each bit is a CHOICE! Good Luck!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I've already planned out my Thanksgiving meal for myself. We are making mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes. I'm even having a roll or two! If you'd like to see how I did it for less than 1,000 calories, check out my diary entry for that day:

    I don't plan on skipping lunch, but I haven't figured out what I'll have yet. Might just log my calories under snacks as I plan to snack on goodies throughout the day.

    Easiest way to cut the calories: Eat your turkey skinless, cook your stuffing outside of the bird so it doesn't absorb animal fat, and try making mashed cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes. :)
  • My wife and I are running a 5k on Thanksgiving morning, to burn a few calories in advance! :)
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    If you're afraid that you'll eat too much, despite the best of intentions, try eating a couple servings of high fiber veggies before you leave, or while the food is cooking. That, with water, will help you feel fuller, and you won't want to eat as much. That is my plan. Lots of stuff off the veggie tray, with no dip:happy: , and lots of water.

    Of course, my meal will be a little easier because almost everyone there is on here trying to lose weight!:bigsmile: I'm sure that will make a big difference. It has certainly helped having it be a complete family effort. It started with my aunt, then my sister, then my FIL. That was the point at which DH and I decided to go for it. SIL, BIL and MIL all decided to join us after that!:bigsmile: If you can swing it, I highly recommend it!

    Good luck on Thursday, and remember, it's only one day! Don't beat yourself up over it. Just make Friday a "good" day!:bigsmile:
  • I'm going to try to eat a small amount of food before I go to my Thanksgiving destination. I will do one place of food then, call it quits then try to focus on family and not so much the food =)
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