Help! I'm gaining! WTH am I doing wrong?

I can't seem to lose the weight. In fact, I'm gaining. The scale seems to be moving in the opposite direction and the tape measure's not helping. Last year, I was 36 years old, happily hovering between 138 - 142 lbs at 5'6"-ish. Everything fit. Life was good.

Now, a year later, I'm gaining and can't figure out what's going on. This morning, I crossed over 160, sat on my couch, and cried. (I think the tears were more from not feeling well than from the weight, but the weight didn't help.)

My work pants / skirts don't fit. If I buy the bigger size, when I belt them, then the waist puffs, making it even less flattering. I wore jeans to work (corporate) because nothing else fit.

Last year, I was:
Weight ~139 +/-
Hips ~ 41
Waist ~28

Weight ~160
Hips ~47
Waist ~ 31.5

The only things that have really changed as far is my body is concerned are:
- Went off the pill (I lost weight while I was on the pill)
- Got the Mirena
- Started taking reflux meds, per the allergist

* I'm not pregnant - peed on a stick and just had an ultrasound to check for ovarian cysts.
* I have a wheat sensitivity, so I know it's not that - Diagnosed back in 2000, so it's nothing new
* Constantly tired and my joints are starting to hurt, presumably from the weight. (Test for Gout: negative) (Western Blot: Negative)

I've tried going from 1200 to 1501 cals. I've added a bit more exercise. I'm eating healthier than I had been. I upped the protein from what MFP suggested, to ~150 grams. I go for walks at work. I recently started running with friends and am going to start using the exercise bike we have. We're also signing up for the local pool.

If you look at the week of June 14th, that's very typical of how I normally eat. I sometimes forget to log water, but I am drinking it. The past few days, I've been under the weather (seasonal allergies(?) and I'm so incredibly exhausted) so I've been lax with the logging. June 14th week is good though. (The two weeks prior, I was traveling, so access was limited, hence limited entries...)

Can someone, anyone, please offer up any constructive tips / advice / help? I'm here because I want to be healthy. I want to fit into my clothes and feel good doing so.


  • kstrunk1
    kstrunk1 Posts: 462 Member
    Have you gotten your thyroid checked? A lot of what you are describing can be symptoms of hypothyroidism.

    I hope you get some answers!!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Have you gotten your thyroid checked? A lot of what you are describing can be symptoms of hypothyroidism.

    I hope you get some answers!!

    Or mononucleosis ? or Human Parvo B Virus ?

    Best of luck ...... feel better soon !
  • realme56
    realme56 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Depression and weight gain as well as joint pain are common Thyroid symptoms as well as irregular menses, poor appetite, dry skin and hair.
    Changing birth control can also adversely affect your weight and you are getting close to that middle age time as well. Your diary is not open but if your intake has not changed then stress and illness are first things to look out.

    Also reflux can be a result of inactive thyroid...
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Thought the diary was public. I fixed it.
  • BeeSunny
    BeeSunny Posts: 172 Member
    I also have the Mirenia IUD I have had it since 2009. All information I have looked up on the internet says people are gaining weight and/or can't lose weight. I am not gaining thank goodness but losing weight is a struggle. I am however losing inches from my workouts as the scale says the same. I would check with your dr about it, you may need to get in removed, but also check online about information on the Mirena.
    Hope it all gets figured out, I know how frustrating it is not to lose and to gain!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Get your thyroid checked along with a vit. D level. Good luck.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    It could be the Mirena. Although I don't think it was a factor in my weight gain (I lost shortly after going on it, and kept it off for a couple of years) but I have heard that some women react differently to it, either in affecting your appetite or affecting your metabolism. It wouldn't hurt to talk to your doctor about it. But I would also look into some of the other suggestions, especially thyroid.
  • mdj1501
    mdj1501 Posts: 392 Member
    My guess would be the Mirena. And ditto with get your thyroid checked.
  • alord426
    alord426 Posts: 129 Member
    I would definitley get your thyroid checked out. I was experiencing the same things alil over a month ago and could not understand why?! I finally got blood work done and found out I have hypothyroidism. I am now on medicine for it and feeling 100% better! I sitll have my days but I am feeling no where a awful as I was and I have so much energy now!! Seriously get it checked out! I hope you feel better and I hope everything works out.
  • spartangirl79
    spartangirl79 Posts: 277 Member
    I just sent you a direct message. The Mirena could be causing all your symptoms -- speaking from direct experience. And my thyroid has always been frustratingly normal, too.
  • Deniarose1
    So do most of you all believe the IUD causes weight gain? I feel like that but my doctor says no that's not it! Hell she doesnt have one! I weigh more now than when I had my son so that's reason to believe it may be a problem.
  • spartangirl79
    spartangirl79 Posts: 277 Member
    So do most of you all believe the IUD causes weight gain? I feel like that but my doctor says no that's not it! Hell she doesnt have one! I weigh more now than when I had my son so that's reason to believe it may be a problem.

    Google "Mirena horror stories" and "Mirena weight gain" and see what you think.
    Feel free to add/message me if you would like to discuss. Most doctors don't have a clue what Mirena actually does, how it works, and what side effects it can cause.
    I speak from experience that not only can it cause weight gain, it can cause a host of other terrible side effects including mimicing bipolar disorder, neurological and speech problems,causing softball-sized ovarian cysts that have to be surgically removed, and hormonal imbalances. And yes, all these issues went away almost immediately after I got the stupid thing removed.
    In general, doctors can't explain how it works because they don't know and they NEVER think of it as a cause for any symptoms that could be remotely related to it.
    The Mirena was the worst decision I ever made.
  • seeled
    seeled Posts: 93
    Have your vitamin D checked. Mine was wayyyyy under. Dr ordered me to take5,000 iU a day which is alot. Since I have been doing that I have lost 9 lbs in 3 weeks. Not sure if its the vitamin D or the diet and exercise. Read an article about how vitamin D deficiancy can cause weight gain. Worth a shot.