
How many calories do burpees burn? They are not in the system, and the internet says they burn over 500 when it's 5 sets of 10 (or something like that). Considering I do them sporadically, like whenever I have free time, it's not the same intensity as the gym pros therefore, I doubt what I do burns 500+ calories. I do 2 sets of 5 when I can.

Does anyone know how many calories the jump up-plank-full push up Burpee burns? Thanks!


  • I use this site to help with exercises that MFP doesn't have in the system:


    Great thing is that they base the burn on your size. Unfortunately, it bases the calories on the amount of time, not sets, so you may have to time have long a set of 5 takes you and go from there.
  • Firewalker23
    Firewalker23 Posts: 6 Member
    Wow, thank you so much! That website actually helps out a lot!
  • About 1.4 calories per burpee. Depending on your weight and effort. At a rate of 10/min

    So if you do 100 burpees you burn close to 140 cal. Pluses get the benefit of increased metabolism.

  • ssheflin
    ssheflin Posts: 56 Member
    I am 166 lbs at 5''2 and I did 100 burpees. I used my HRM and it reads that I burned 200 calories. I hope this helps.
  • MaquisJim
    MaquisJim Posts: 34 Member
    I had to look up "burpees"~~I know them as "bend & thrusts" from marine bootcamp some 30 years ago~~drill instructor's favorite punishment exercise...ah the memories ;)