My Body Loves Variety

Ok sooo I've been on the 30 Day Shred kick since April. I've seen results in toning and endurance. ABSOLUTELY love Jillian. However my body/muscles (as well as my brain) starts to get bored with certain routines. I love a challenge. I'm starting to slightly feel myself get to that point in a way but I really don't wanna stop doing 30 Day Shred altogether, as I've had the best results with it more than anything else. What are some other fun and challenging DVD workouts I can pick up and do at home? Who has tried any of Jillian's other series and how effective were they? Maybe I can switch off and do different workouts 3-4 times a week. Suggestions, advice?


  • towsongrad
    towsongrad Posts: 39
    Wait! don't mention Insanity yet! I'm not ready for Insanity! Almost there but not quite! LOL
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I went through the exact same thing - started with 30 Day Shred, and eventually wanted more - more variety, longer workouts, etc. I think my second DVD purchase was Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, and I would alternate it with 30DS, every other day.

    Two years later, I've got a stack of 8 DVDs on my entertainment center (would be 9, but loaned 30DS to my mom :tongue), and I still alternate from week to week.

    Kickbox FastFix
    Killer Buns & Thighs
    Ripped In 30
    Banish Fat Boost Metabolism
    Yoga Meltdown
    6 Week Six-Pack
    Shred It With Weights
    Biggest Loser Cardio Max (old school Jillian, Bob & another trainer from the show, picked this one up at a thrift store)

    It's a good mix, and I can pick and choose more cardio one day, something that's more strength the next. Early this year I also added running three days a week with the c25k program, but other than that, it's all DVDs.

    A good way to figure out what you might like to buy next is to check your local library. I had to request some from other branches, but have checked out at least one Jillian workout and a couple of Bob Harper's from my library. Great way to try before you buy!
  • towsongrad
    towsongrad Posts: 39
    Thanks! I was definitely curious about the Banish Fat one. She just makes you CRAVE more burn, its amazing..I'm definitely gonna try some of these out and alternate
  • towsongrad
    towsongrad Posts: 39
    Oh and also Ripped in 30..i think I'm gonna get those two next!
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Good plan! RI30 is similar format to 30DS with the 3 - 2 -1 thing, so a good follow up. And BFBM is tough! About 40 minutes I think, 7 or 8 circuits, heaps o' cardio and body weight moves - push ups, etc - no dumbbells needed for that one.
  • towsongrad
    towsongrad Posts: 39
    oh wow! double the time and double the circuits..Definitely gonna have to work up to that point, but I'm determined!