New chatty friends

Remi79 Posts: 346 Member
Hello all!
I have been starting and re-starting this program for a year now. I need great motivation in weightloss and in life in general. I need new friends that talk about weight loss, but also talk about everyday stuff. If you are a chatty person and respond to people's posts, please friend me!
Thanks and good luck to you all!


  • khouston22
    khouston22 Posts: 10 Member
    Ha Ha - thats brilliant - chatty people required! Chatty would certainly describe me!

    Having done WW for a year and lost 42lbs but then got stuck, i have found this system quite inspiring as it trellis me what will happen if I am particularly naughty!! Do you have a twitter feed as that can be a really useful way to connect with people finding the same problems!!

    I have another 24lbs to go, so I reckon we could be doing this for the same amount of time :happy:
