reaching out

Hi , I`ve been playing with the site for a little while now and found the novelty of it is wearing off and I`m struggling to get back on board!!
I have been a single mom for a long time , my kids are pretty much grown up and on their own now so time to re-find me some where under all this extra weight. I had weight loss surgery about 2 years ago and lost around 130 lb, but am struggling to maintain and to loose the last 30 or so pounds. After the surgery it was so easy to control my eating and to make good choices. Now I`m right back to eating emotionally and uncontrollably . I do not want to go back to that place were I had lost all hope and desire for life, so I thought I`d try something different and not isolate myself and reach out .......


  • michelle2474
    Welcome!! I understand about eating emotionally! I have been there so many times.. too many to count. Which is why I went from 140 when I got married to 290 this last year. We all need a little encouragement sometimes. I've been able to lose 34 pounds since January with proper food intake (NOT DIETING!) and exercise.

    Good Luck!
  • joshuacaleb2
    I can totally relate. I had weight loss surgery in 2008 and and lost about 70 pounds and now I am right back up to my weight I was before I lost it. I am totally depressed and don't know what to do. I came across this site and it seems to help but you have to make the time for it and I have 4 kids and a husband with a full time job so I see that I am not on it like I should be.

    I wish you the best of luck.

    Keep up the good work...

  • LindaA57
    LindaA57 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I'm new to the site, and love it. I recently lost weight on Weight Watchers, then dropped out. And, of course, half the weight came back within a few months. I like MyFitnessPal, it seems to have everything WW had, without the cost. I, too, an an emotional eater. I work at home, which is dangerous - I'm too close to the kitchen. Whenever I get stressed, I find myself looking thru the refrigerator or cabinets. I work at my desk all day, mostly computer work, so I think having an online pal to check in with would be nice, and helpful. Would you want a "diet buddy" to email with when the going gets rough? -Linda
  • mpe1967
    mpe1967 Posts: 24
    Welcome. I too am an emotional eater. 2yrs.ago I lost 70lbs. and I have gained back 40 of them. I am tired of gaining back what I worked so hard to lose.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi there ..... and congrats on the 130# weight loss !

    I hear you about emotional eating ..... been there & done that, for sure ......

    If you want to lose a little bit more weight, what needs to be done to achieve that ? Tweaking some meals, doing some extra exercise ?

    We're here to help ..... let's have some fun :drinker: