i joined MFP last april but i've always been on my phone, so recently i visited the website. and i loved the forums and the community it has :)
so i'm technically new here. i don't want to ask my real friends to add me as friends here, or talk to them about any of my diet. i feel like they should just watch me transform but they don't need to know all the details.
so i'd love to make some friends here :)
good luck to everyone


  • SgtArmstrong
    SgtArmstrong Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I joined myfitness awhile ago and is indeed looking for friends and support! I to believe in just letting my friends see the transformation, loose on there faces is the reward lol.
  • Natalierose1085
    Natalierose1085 Posts: 3 Member
    I feel the same way about asking many of my real friends. I lost weight last year and some of them got a little competitive and it became awkward. I'm def looking for some new friends on here too :)
  • kathybro75
    kathybro75 Posts: 51 Member
    Feel free to add me. I've been here since Feb 2012.
  • thanks guys!
    and thank you for those who added me as well :)
    i feel bloated to day from last night's mac-n-cheese, but i will get right back on track this evening
  • I feel the same way about asking many of my real friends. I lost weight last year and some of them got a little competitive and it became awkward. I'm def looking for some new friends on here too :)

    I hear ya! it's just complicating. but they're more than welcome to see my nicer body, i just don't want to be telling them about my workouts, diets or annoy them with my "naughty food day" when that's what they eat usually or don't think it's that bad.
    but i do have few friends that i talk to about fitness and i know some gals from the gym :)
    but MFP would be the place for me to share all my dirty details :)
  • mollieprice331
    mollieprice331 Posts: 40 Member
    Me too! Being on here makes it easier for me to focus on what I am doing.
  • together!
    WE CAN DO IT :)
  • KJ77493
    KJ77493 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm always looking for new friends on here! Please feel free to add me! :)
  • Hi Everyone. I agree, let's do this together. It is more fun and a little more motivation won't hurt. It's all about building a powerful community together and getting new ideas for delicious and healthy food + exercise! I'm in. Add me!