4th of July

Is anyone else concerned about blowing their eating habits over the 4th? I need some motivation to help me get through this one without negating all of my success so far!!!


  • d2rala
    d2rala Posts: 54
    Don't worry about "blowing" it for just one day.
    Eat in moderation, Drink in moderation, be active - start up a volley ball game, go swimming, take a hike or bike ride.
    DO NOT
  • guapogringo
    guapogringo Posts: 201
    Well i hit it hard during the year so i can be looking respectful on days like the 4th when i know lots of sexy people will be around. Just use portion control and avoid too much salt as this will bloat you. Drink lots and lots of water. If you must drink steer clear from stuff like beer that will bloat you too
  • weeblex
    weeblex Posts: 412 Member
    Is anyone else concerned about blowing their eating habits over the 4th? I need some motivation to help me get through this one without negating all of my success so far!!!

    Careful planning, we had a BBQ, did Kebab's, beans, salad, a few sides (We sneakily measured rough amounts in a serving spoon before people got there), a few Smirnoff ice's and about an hour of treadmill and exercise bike lunch time before everyone arrived.

    End result for the days was we were a whole 180 calories over which we thought was pretty good. Eat the healthy option, eat in moderation and pick the low calorie booze and you'll do fine.
  • d2rala
    d2rala Posts: 54
    DO NOT beat yourself up for enjoying the day!
    I have cousins overseas - and on their national holiday it is said that
    "everyone MUST east 10 ice creams to celebrate". It is their way of saying, don't worry about overeating, relax and enjoy the day.
    You will NOT undo all the good you have done in just one day.
    Go back to your "normal" on the 5th.
  • rachael52
    rachael52 Posts: 86 Member
    I'm nervous about it too, since I've only been on MFP for a little over a week and I can fall off easily. I'm going to log everything when I eat it, I'll be able to duck out and do that. We're having friends over to the house for the holiday for dinner.

    I made a low calorie fruit cobbler and if I can keep my portion under control that should be good. For drinks, spritzers, mostly seltzer with a little juice. I am planning a big green salad. There will be quite a bit of other food but I'm going to do the best I can. And as many have said, tomorrow is another day. I can start each day fresh and I'm doing pretty well so far.

    I think little changes can make a big difference - a veggie burger instead of a hamburger, fruit or carrots and hummos over chips. Personally, I had to X out chips all together, it's a "trigger" food for me.

    Anyway, good look everyone and have fun. Holidays are challenging but they aren't all about the food, or they aren't supposed to be.
  • Devlyn_P
    Devlyn_P Posts: 294 Member
    Ill be at a pool party. I don't eat much when I'm at pool party's for the obvious reasons but I do drink alot so I gotta watch myself there. Just keep the portions modest and it will all workout even if you go over, its only 1 day.