
This probably isn't the best title for a topic lol. But I just ate a kit-kat and it had me thinking. Now, maybe about twice a week will I buy a candy bar and eat it as long as it is within my calories and I am going to work out that day (going to the gym after work!). But honestly, who thinks that is okay and who doesn't? I want HONEST opinions because I am trying to lose weight. I started at 190 and got down to about 177, and then hit a plateau. Recently, I got back into my weightloss and lost another 3 lbs so I'm at around 174.

But like I said I wanna know if eating candy sometimes if it is within your calories is okay. Or not? Because I know they're not healthy.

I will not get offended, I promise! lol :laugh:


  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Well you are doing it and losing weight, so in what sense would it not be ok?
  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    of course it is!!! break ME off a piece of that kit kat bar :)
  • Jennvandemark
    Jennvandemark Posts: 179 Member
    if it fits with in your calories, you will be fine. This is lifestyle and we have to be able to eat things we like just not all the time and not as much.

    You will be fine enjoy your candy and don't stress over it just make it fit in your calorie intake.
  • phoenix3050
    There's nothing wrong with treating yourself every now and then. If it fits in you calories, why not! Enjoy your break! :)
  • Duelltolose
    Duelltolose Posts: 119 Member
    Just as long as you have enough calories for it, go ahead and treat yourself. But like you said, it's not healthy. And chocolate can be addicting. So be careful.
    Good luck! And keep kicking butt
  • sofakingawesome69
    Go for it. Rewards are there for a reason.
  • LovingLisa2012
    LovingLisa2012 Posts: 802 Member
    I am sorry but .. this is not a diet .. :bigsmile:
    this is a lifestyle for me .. I am not giving up my kit kats, p/b cups, nuggets etc ..

    I am losing weight .. as long as you eat under maintenance, you will lose weight

    *my highest weight was 312 , I am now 285
    and I have eaten over my calories some days, had fast food days, candy, cookies etc.. but in moderation and had more home cooked meals,but I am not giving up enjoying food
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    I have a piece of Endangered Species XTreme dark chocolate or Dark Chocolate w/mint every day (and its vegan to boot!) As long as whatever your eating fits into your targets and is part of a balanced diet, who cares?

    Chocolate. Don't leave home without it! :love:
  • f1ctional
    f1ctional Posts: 235
    Go for it I say. I do it too, I have a few times and just log it in with everything else. I am crazy for the Milky Way Midnight bars or a couple Ferrero Rocher's!
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    It's better you find a LIFESTYLE that's as healthy as possible (so having your Kit Kat now and then) verses some militaristic diet camp crap that will only fail in the end.
  • mikeschratz
    mikeschratz Posts: 253 Member
    I do the same thing. I have a choclate bar on the days I work out. Usually a small one, and I drink it with my protien drink. But I know whatever bad it brings, my workout in Karate will remove it.... lmao! Have a good one... and I am a chocoholic, no doubt!
  • workoutgirl23
    yea. its totally fine to eat a candy bar once in awhile, as long as you can fit it into your daily calorie allowance for the day, then its fine. you'll still lose weight, as long as your under your calorie total. i actually fit in at least one sweet thing per day into my calories. i can't live with out sweets. every thing is fine in moderation.
  • drusilla126
    drusilla126 Posts: 478 Member
    You deserve a break after all your hard work so enjoy your Kit Kat.

    I'm using the logic of as long as you eat fewer calories you will lose. After I read a calorie is a calorie and some guy lost weight eating Twinkies my diet became more relaxed than it was...maybe not good but whatever.

    The key thing is this is a maintainable lifestyle so anyone completely cutting out everything they enjoy is just going to drive themselves crazy with cravings and trying to resist temptation and that is not a fun way to live for the rest of your life.
  • hkevans724
    hkevans724 Posts: 241 Member
    It is ABSOLUTELY ok to treat yourself!!! Don't ever feel bad about it! You work hard and you deserve it!!! :happy:
  • o2bADyer
    o2bADyer Posts: 208
    If you're counting the calories, then go for it! I think that if you take away ALL of the good stuff, you won't stick to the plan. So...give in...burn off the!
  • LHudson53
    LHudson53 Posts: 126
    I was going to reply, but it looks like the people ahead of me said everything I would say, and they said it a lot better!!!
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    I say, as long as you don't do it every day, it should be fine. I mean... I eat burgers. I'll order a side of fries with my caesar salad wrap for lunch.

    Depriving yourself of EVERYTHING you like just sets you up to fail. A nibble here & there won't kill you... it's not about strictly avoiding everything. It's about learning to portion control & treat yourself better.
  • Sheila_Ann
    Sheila_Ann Posts: 365 Member
    I so agree 100% with the other comments that this is a lifestyle change and not a diet. It's all about moderation. I have bags of cadbury mini eggs in my fridge from easter and when I'm in the mood for some chocolate (which is not that often), I go ahead and grab some and enjoy each and every egg. :love:

    Enjoy that kit kat and pass that baby around! :drinker:
  • grapeeyes1
    grapeeyes1 Posts: 237 Member
    I have a lindt truffle every night. Keeps me from eating an entire bag. keeps the craving down.
  • tlp148
    tlp148 Posts: 67 Member
    Just from my own experience, if I want a bite of a candy bar or a piece of candy I will have it. It is not often that I crave candy anymore which is great. Maybe if you break off one stick of the Kit-Kat (also one of my favorites) and put the rest in a baggie or dish and save for another time you will feel better about your choice to have another piece when a craving comes about and you have calories allowed.
    I have had the same Hershey bar in my desk for about six months and haven't even craved it. Today my sweet was fresh sliced pineapple.