


  • cortezpj
    cortezpj Posts: 129 Member
    There's nothing wrong with treating yourself every now and then. If it fits in you calories, why not! Enjoy your break! :)

    ^ This.

    Speaking only for myself, I have a very big sweet tooth. Even before I gained 40lbs, I couldv'e eaten candy for breakfast if it didn't upset my stomach eating it so early in the day. I don't trust myself and have very little self-control when it comes to sweets. Since I began getting serious about losing weight back in April, I've been pretty good about giving up candy entirely. Yes, I've slipped every now and then with a Pepperidge Farm cookie or some honey roasted peanuts. But I've gotten better at turning to fruits and nuts when I have a craving for something sweet.

    But I have to agree with others who say the occasional treat and/or reward is ok provided it fits within your calorie allowance. You sound like you're working hard so why not treat yourself every now and then. Good luck !
  • Kitiara47
    Kitiara47 Posts: 235
    As long as you're within your calorie limit, I believe that you can eat whatever! In moderation of course :wink: Depriving yourself of certain foods will cause the cravings that tend to lead to downfalls, at least that's what I've experienced...

    Now I want a Kit Kat..... :tongue:
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    The problem with dieting is that so many people who manage to lose weight end up putting it back on, and then some. With that in mind, I feel that it's really important to do it in a way that you can stick with for life. I think that having some "treats" might make it easier to stick to the diet for life, so it's a good thing. It depends how you feel about it, really. I'm not a big chocolate eater, but sometimes I like to have a rolo or two, or a couple of squares - the calorie count isn't really that big. I think it's more of a problem if you feel guilty for having something and end up overeating as a result. So enjoy it!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Gimme a break...

    But seriously, I would work hard to eliminate this twice-a-week habit. We only have so many calories to work with each week and any that are nutritionally weak are calories that could have also provided nutrients to our bodies. At 210 calories each, that's 420 calories a week of mostly worthless calories.

    Don't misunderstand, I'm not saying that you *can't* lose weight while consistently eating candy bars, I'm saying that it is likely less-than-optimal...

    ...and potentially more difficult. In my personal experience, my cravings for candy bars (and other simple carbs) never diminished until I eliminated all of them from my diet. Once I did, I no longer craved them constantly. And when I do "indulge", those cravings come right back. Not saying I can never have sweets again, but I have them knowing that I will have to fight cravings for a while any time I do.
  • mzfaydra
    mzfaydra Posts: 2
    I say eat it and don't feeL bad about of the reasons I've reverted so many times in the past is because I was denying myseLf things that I wanted...the difference now is that if I want it I wiLL eat and make up for it Later...I'm not dieting for a short period of time I'm changing my LifestyLe one candy bar is not going to mess you for a Lifetime!!!
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,010 Member
    This probably isn't the best title for a topic lol. But I just ate a kit-kat and it had me thinking. Now, maybe about twice a week will I buy a candy bar and eat it as long as it is within my calories and I am going to work out that day (going to the gym after work!). But honestly, who thinks that is okay and who doesn't? I want HONEST opinions because I am trying to lose weight. I started at 190 and got down to about 177, and then hit a plateau. Recently, I got back into my weightloss and lost another 3 lbs so I'm at around 174.

    But like I said I wanna know if eating candy sometimes if it is within your calories is okay. Or not? Because I know they're not healthy.

    I will not get offended, I promise! lol :laugh:

    What's your protein/fat intake like on days you have a kit-kat?
  • mslack01
    mslack01 Posts: 823 Member
    if you split it with me, you will be fine
  • hosegirl
    hosegirl Posts: 157
    I think it ok to eat chocolate. As long as it in moderation. A Kit Kat is. I beleive if you donot eat what you are craving you will binge on it until the craving goes away. Kit Kat's are one of my favorites.
  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    Forum rules state that krystyleee shall and will share said kit kat with Cliff.
    Now give it!!!
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Works for me! Although, I have switched from regular candy bars (250+ calories) to Skinny Cow stuff (110 to 120 calories) so it's easier to fit into my day.
  • krystyleee
    krystyleee Posts: 219
    of course it is!!! break ME off a piece of that kit kat bar :)

    :laugh: :laugh:
  • krystyleee
    krystyleee Posts: 219
    if you split it with me, you will be fine

    Haha, DEAL!
  • krystyleee
    krystyleee Posts: 219
    Works for me! Although, I have switched from regular candy bars (250+ calories) to Skinny Cow stuff (110 to 120 calories) so it's easier to fit into my day.

    Oh, I love skinny cow! I seem to forget they have the chocolate clusters and bars now, and not only ice cream! I need to get a box! thanks for reminding me.
  • krystyleee
    krystyleee Posts: 219
    Forum rules state that krystyleee shall and will share said kit kat with Cliff.
    Now give it!!!

    :laugh: Luckily they're easy to share!
  • krystyleee
    krystyleee Posts: 219
    I say eat it and don't feeL bad about of the reasons I've reverted so many times in the past is because I was denying myseLf things that I wanted...the difference now is that if I want it I wiLL eat and make up for it Later...I'm not dieting for a short period of time I'm changing my LifestyLe one candy bar is not going to mess you for a Lifetime!!!

    I agree 100%. I feel if I go too long without any sweet (because I have a big sweet tooth), and then I have one, I HAVE to keep eating them. I just wanted to see if I was the only one lol. guess not!
  • krystyleee
    krystyleee Posts: 219
    Thanks everyone for all of your input!
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Works for me! Although, I have switched from regular candy bars (250+ calories) to Skinny Cow stuff (110 to 120 calories) so it's easier to fit into my day.

    Oh, I love skinny cow! I seem to forget they have the chocolate clusters and bars now, and not only ice cream! I need to get a box! thanks for reminding me.

    Yes, I keep them in my desk. And they have dark chocolate clusters so that's even better. Of course, now I eat them on MOST days instead of just a couple times a week LOL.
  • krystyleee
    krystyleee Posts: 219
    Gimme a break...

    But seriously, I would work hard to eliminate this twice-a-week habit. We only have so many calories to work with each week and any that are nutritionally weak are calories that could have also provided nutrients to our bodies. At 210 calories each, that's 420 calories a week of mostly worthless calories.

    Don't misunderstand, I'm not saying that you *can't* lose weight while consistently eating candy bars, I'm saying that it is likely less-than-optimal...

    ...and potentially more difficult. In my personal experience, my cravings for candy bars (and other simple carbs) never diminished until I eliminated all of them from my diet. Once I did, I no longer craved them constantly. And when I do "indulge", those cravings come right back. Not saying I can never have sweets again, but I have them knowing that I will have to fight cravings for a while any time I do.

    I appreciate your input as it's different from everyone else! I agree they are worthless calories! I am like you in a way! If I don't have sweets for a long time and then indulge it IS harder to stop. But if I keep it in moderation (well kind of) like I do now, say the two kit kats a week or whatever, then I don't feel that I'm constantly searching for something sweet. Make sense?

    I would love to have your will power but even when I give them up for a while I still want them. :grumble:

    BUT I am trying to eliminate it. Maybe once a week will be my first step lol.

  • krystyleee
    krystyleee Posts: 219
    Works for me! Although, I have switched from regular candy bars (250+ calories) to Skinny Cow stuff (110 to 120 calories) so it's easier to fit into my day.

    Oh, I love skinny cow! I seem to forget they have the chocolate clusters and bars now, and not only ice cream! I need to get a box! thanks for reminding me.

    Yes, I keep them in my desk. And they have dark chocolate clusters so that's even better. Of course, now I eat them on MOST days instead of just a couple times a week LOL.

    Lol! That's what I'm afraid of!
  • haeffel2
    haeffel2 Posts: 34
    I think that if you restrict cravings too much it can cause you to crave them more and could (down the line) lead to binge eating or overindulging and so I say go for it! As long as you're still consuming a balanced diet and exercising, I say reward yourself with a little sweet treat:] It's well-deserved, I'm sure! :] Aaaand kit-kats are fraggin' delicious haha