Doing the scary thing

Hi all!
Well I've decided that I need a bit of an overhaul, both physically and mentally, and this is my second step in the process. (The first was cutting down smoking. Figured I should get used to that before I tried the diet thing again and also its probably a good idea if I want to get on with exercising to help me diet as exercise was a lot less successful when I kept needing to stop for *kitten* breaks!)

My weight is now having a big impact on my life, particularly as Im ashamed of how I look and Im not the most confident person anyway. Im not kidding myself that losing weight is going to turn me into a social butterfly but I feel like Im missing out on a lot of life. This is the first time Ive put out into the world how much I need to lose and how its impacting on my life and hopefulyl itll help me face up to the changes I need to make (hence the doing the scary thing subject header in case you were wondering!)

Ive tried to do this on my own before but its too hard. Im hoping that I can meet some people on here who can share this journey with me and help me to stay motivated.

Thanks for reading-if you want to add me as a friend or message me that'd be great.



  • Daella
    Daella Posts: 19 Member
    Doing this alone is do-able, but hard and not fun. We are all here for you. HMU if you need some encouragement :):flowerforyou:
  • enam_frist
    enam_frist Posts: 18
    I am a newbie at this too as I have failed miserably on my own. I am going to add you as my friend. I have 120 lbs to lose to get back down to where everyone said I was just big.... :(