Diabetic here!!

hey everyone im new to the group and yes i am a type 1 diabetic. i am looking to loose some weight and have heard that it is really hard for diabetics. anyone have any good suggestions. let me know i am very open about it!! hope everyone does well!


  • snowbunny0320
    hey everyone im new to the group and yes i am a type 1 diabetic. i am looking to loose some weight and have heard that it is really hard for diabetics. anyone have any good suggestions. let me know i am very open about it!! hope everyone does well!
  • jiveleigh
    I am also having a hard time losing weight. I can never seem to lose these last 10 pounds no matter what I try. Friends of mine who put significantly less effort into dropping weight seem to be more successful than I am. Totally unfair. I'm going to talk to my endocron next month about it and if I get any info, I will be sure to post!
  • chris_spencer
    I am a diabetic and I work my butt off daily and I still cant get over my slump