Email/FB Daily Support Partner Wanted :)

Hi Everyone!

I'm female, freshly 30, and have about 60 pounds to loose!

Would love to find someone, male or female, but maybe in the same age-group/weight-loss goal.

Would love to get to know you, and push each other forward with daily emails and/or FB messages My nutrition/exercise knowledge is pretty good, but it always seems to come down to motivation, doesn't it?

Looking forward to meeting you!



  • AzhureSnow
    AzhureSnow Posts: 289 Member
    Hi Mieka,
    I'm 25, and I've only got about 35 more pounds to lose, but this sounds like an awesome idea. Extra accountability is always helpful! Good luck!
  • HeartlessHarlot
    HeartlessHarlot Posts: 65 Member
    I'm totally up for daily prodding. Message me if you want do do this!
  • ewhirly02
    ewhirly02 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Mieka!

    I'd be happy to help! I'm 28 and have a pretty similar goal to yours. I've lost 15 pounds so far since I started using MFP, but I'd still like to lose another 50-60 and anything on top of that would just be icing on the cake (I hate to use food references, but that one seemed fitting, haha). I definitely feel like you can't have too many friends when you're on a journey like this. We have to be able to motivate ourselves, but I think motivation and encouragement from others can go a long way! Feel free to add me and we can keep in touch with our progress and goals. It always helps to have someone else hold you accountable sometimes!

  • cjc0309
    cjc0309 Posts: 6
    I am getting ready to hit the dirty 30 in a couple months and would love to lose 30 pounds. Message me if you want to get help motivating!! I would love someone to push my butt into gear :)