looking for Low Carb Friends!

Hello everyone! I am not new to MFP but I am trying to eat LC. I could really use some low carb friends for motivation and diary ideas and help! Also advice! Thank you! :)


  • Dorkaleena
    Dorkaleena Posts: 59
    Are you doing LOW carbs or NO carbs? I try not to eat bread and the like but still eat fruit and some carbs. (Though you'd never know by looking at my diary. Lately I've been failing more than succeeding on this!)
  • dcmennealy
    dcmennealy Posts: 16 Member
    I might be interested to join you. Are you talking about doing no breads or is it is more restrictive?
  • briejohnson86
    briejohnson86 Posts: 12 Member
    I am doing low carb. I try to stay at 30 carbs a day. So far it has been doable but I haven't been able to drop the artificial sweeteners. I put sugar free chocolate syrup with half and half in my coffee in the morning and I'm addicted. But I know you are supposed to try and stay away from artificial sweeteners grrrr :)
  • julslea
    julslea Posts: 436 Member
    I have been doing low carb for 2 weeks now and I try to stay at 70 total carbs a day. I've found that to be very easy for me. I would like to eventually get down to 40 total carbs a day.
  • vmatya01
    vmatya01 Posts: 20
    Hello, I started low carbing it last week, doctors orders... I have searched youtube for recipes, and there are some amazing recipes out there. It gives me a lot of hope that I will be able to stick to this new lifestyle change. One that I want to try are the taco shells, made out of cheese. I will be trying these out next week.
  • BriaMc
    BriaMc Posts: 177 Member
    I am not quite as 'low carb' as you all, my goal is 100 but i'm usually around 80. And alot of that is fruit sugar carbs which i think is dumb to cut! Feel free to add me everyone!