I have fell off.

Man I started my lifestyle change in April of this year and fell off. I have been eating out like crazy and stopped exercising. I see so many of you staying consistant, I hate being this size, I have no execuse. I pay for a gym membership and don't go. I am going to be 30 in a couple of weeks and hate being fat and thirty. I guess that's the good thing of a new day...you can always start over, but I gotta stay focused.


  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    come on you can do it! and yes most of us on here are consistent but no one is perfect. I can't tell u how many ppl I heard talk about having to start over every week until it stuck! So maybe you can't be at ur goal weight for ur bday, but nothing can stop u from trying!
  • sekc29
    sekc29 Posts: 3 Member
    You can do this, you just have to believe it. I'm sure that almost everyone on this site has fallen off at least once (I know I have) but the important thing is to try it again. Just take it one day at a time and don't let yourself get stressed over how far away your goal seems to be.
  • oubeth1
    I am in your same shoes wzelleke. I have fallen off the weight loss boat and pretty much gained everything I thought I lost and more!! I need to get on track and stick with it this time. I know you can do it! It can be hard sometimes but, it is good to have friends to help you along!! :flowerforyou:
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    Congratulations for coming back!!!! That's the hard part.

    I was overweight and 30 - I worked to lose weight, fell off, and didn't get back on. So I found myself even more overweight at 40 - how depressing. Here I am at 46, and I will not be like this at 50! I'm saying this so that maybe you can resolve to be healthy at 40. 40 really is a hot and sexy age - I liked it, but wished I were in better shape for it! :tongue:

    Anyway, forgive yourself for the past, brush yourself off, and get back in here & play with us!!!:happy:
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    Chin up, lady :flowerforyou: You can do this! Getting back on track is a great step in the right direction :smile:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    "Everyone makes mistakes - the only people who never fail are those who never even try."
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,648 Member
    I am just recovering from "falling off"..... I even blogged about it here on MFP.... Difference is, I'm committed this time!! I kicked my butt and gave myself a serious pep talk!! Got inspired and motivated by my June Starter girls here on MFP and I got back on this ride!! I lost two of the four pounds that I gained and am looking to lose the other two pounds (at least) this week!
    I also joined the gym and I am loving it!!! I am having a hard time getting friends to go with me, so I gave up on them and set about making new friends AT the gym... ya know, the girls that are already there... I don't have to beg and plead them to go, I see them almost nightly! I KNOW that they will be there :laugh:
    So, I applaud you for not giving up. For getting back in the game! Now, just stay focused. Get you an accountability partner. If you need to, come join us girls in the June Starters threads here on MFP... I hate to keep our awesomeness so secluded... :happy: We have some pretty awesome gals there!!!
    Set weekly goals (ie times at the gym, 30 min walks, etc) and do your best to accomplish them... You CAN DO THIS!!! Just make us your mind to succeed! :drinker:
  • bekmom57
    Keep trying don't give up!.. I keep telling myself that.. I've battled weight issues all my life and I'm really determined to get the fat off.. I know that I will feel better.. I keep telling myself that I want to be healthier for my kids who are grown.. and for any future grand kids.. and especially for my loving hubby..
    You can do this. Keep telling yourself.. Put pictures of yourself on the fridge.. that helps keep you motivated. Or buy a smaller size.. and say I can get into that outfit. :) I'm rooting for you 100%
  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    The most important thing to remember is that you can't compare yourself to others because everyone is different. For those that have stayed consistent here, perhaps they failed in 100 attempts before this. You and I are about the same age, I turned 30 last May. I have tried and quit so many attempts to lose weight and it wasn't until I found this place and got the right attitude that I WOULD succeed this time has worked for me. Without that attitude, it will never work. Until you are ready to do something about it (and not just wish the weight would fall off on it's own) then it won't work.

    My ticker looks impressive, I've lost almost 50 pounds. But in my eyes, I am not doing that great because I should be at my goal weight by now, I should have been there six months ago and I let stupid stuff get in the way. I've been struggling with the same 5 pounds for the last 5 months, back and forth, back and forth. So everyone has their own struggles, don't consider yourself a failure just because you don't think you compare well to someone else. And remember, it doesn't matter the amount of times you fall off, it only matters that you pick yourself back up again and keep trying.