Chin fat

Anyone have any tips on getting rid of chin and face fat fast???


  • Pedal_Pusher
    Pedal_Pusher Posts: 1,166 Member
    Eat less. Move more.
  • sehrler
    sehrler Posts: 89 Member
    As everyone says, you can't just spot reduce but I have an exercise I incorporate into my workout and it really helps tighten and tone, I hardly have any extra there now. And I'm 44 so lots of my friends have been saying "what the heck are you doing, why does my skin sag and yours doesn't???". First of all, hydrate! and I also have never smoked, I notice smokers have a hard time after they lose with loose skin under their chins and on their necks.

    Anyway, while I'm doing my elliptical in the mornings, I tilt my head all the way back and "grimace", tighten my jaw back/down as tight as I can (kind of like saying, "uggggghhhh"), I can feel it all the way down to my collar bone. Hold it for 3-4 seconds, release, repeat 25 times. I swear it helps! Tightens up my neck and chin area nicely. But you also have to drop fat overall!
  • LoriRisk66
    LoriRisk66 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello! There are some exercises that I do for my chin/neck. Now, it's pretty funny-looking, so it's not something to do in your car, unless you care about people doing double-takes, but it really helps.

    Tighten up your lower jaw by doing a "grimace" . Tighten up your neck muscles and look up, then down, up then down. You can feel the "pull" if you're doing it right. You do it front, then left then right. You can also do "chews" to help lose the "chipmunk" cheeks. I can try to find it online and send a link to it, too, if you need me to. Lori