Losing weight is FUN!

I have just come to the realization that this whole losing weight thing is awesome! For starters, think about the crap food we used to eat. Sure it tasted good, but it got boring. Now we all search for new and exciting ways to prepare things. I know for a fact that my diet is far less boring than it was before! Another thing that makes it fun is this website :) I mean I never would have joined if I wasn't trying to lose weight. Think of all the fun we'd have missed out on if we never got fat to begin with! :laugh: No but seriously, it feels great to be getting smaller instead of bigger. People compliment on how great I look all the time and say things like "My goodness have you lost MORE weight?" I LOVE THIS! I kind of feel like I might be bored when all the weight is gone :laugh: I think it's fun to learn new things everyday about how to be a healthier person. Thanks everyone for making this process more fun! Anyone else have reasons why they think weight loss is fun???


  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I have just come to the realization that this whole losing weight thing is awesome! For starters, think about the crap food we used to eat. Sure it tasted good, but it got boring. Now we all search for new and exciting ways to prepare things. I know for a fact that my diet is far less boring than it was before! Another thing that makes it fun is this website :) I mean I never would have joined if I wasn't trying to lose weight. Think of all the fun we'd have missed out on if we never got fat to begin with! :laugh: No but seriously, it feels great to be getting smaller instead of bigger. People compliment on how great I look all the time and say things like "My goodness have you lost MORE weight?" I LOVE THIS! I kind of feel like I might be bored when all the weight is gone :laugh: I think it's fun to learn new things everyday about how to be a healthier person. Thanks everyone for making this process more fun! Anyone else have reasons why they think weight loss is fun???
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    I certainly have been trying new foods!! A grocery store 10 minutes away is building a new store and closing the current one, and last week they put their entire natural foods section at 50% off! I bought every kind of weird flour their is...spelt, oat, graham, quinoa, etc. I got the organic, natural versions of all the condiments. Also, I bought rice pasta, spinach pasta, whole wheat pasta....

    It is fun to try new things when it isn't as expensive! My kitchen looks like we are real health nuts now.

    I am looking forward to people complimenting my weight loss! I hope it doesn't take forever. I have a feeling it will take longer than some people on this site, because I have bad days here and there.
  • leblancb
    leblancb Posts: 47
    I have been enjoying this program and I too think it is fun. This has been the easiest weight loss for me in my whole life and all the previous failures I have tried. I think the support has helped me the most...................get through 2 weeks and then you are on your way to a healthy life style.
  • BikeChick
    BikeChick Posts: 121
    It's fun doing simple things like getting up off the couch or out of bed without straining yourself!
    It's fun being able walk for awhile without looking at the stretch ahead and thinking you will never make it.
    It's fun when you look through your wardrobe and put something on that fits you nicely and didn't use to.
    It's fun when you still have energy in the afternoon and don't feel that you need that nap.
    It's fun when you look at yourself in the mirror and don't get disgusted by that person anymore.
    It's fun when you have to pull up your pants every once in awhile.
    It's fun to feel a whole lot lighter and not weighted down with every move you make!
    It's FUN to feel good about yourself!!
  • Kayley
    Kayley Posts: 327 Member
    It really is fun. I enjoy losing weight and getting smaller and smaller every week, especially when you're doing it with friends. It'll be even more fun when I get to go shopping for a whole new wardrobe after I lose it all. :tongue:
  • tlitzner
    tlitzner Posts: 124
    My favorite thing about all of this is that I am exercising! I am the laziest person ever, I used to spend my evenings playing xbox until bed and never moving my body. Now, I am rushing home after work to do my exercise. Last week, I got an upsetting phone call that got me crying. So, I decided to pop in my Tae Bo tape and learned that I can't sweat and cry at the same time! Yay for endorphins!:smile:
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Yay! Lots of great reasons why it's fun :) It really is nice to be smaller and be able to move better. I can only imagine how fun it'll be when I'm the size god intended me to be :)