P90x question for people who has completed it.

How long did it take for you to see any change?


  • Dhemeyer
    Dhemeyer Posts: 157 Member
    I completed the program just a few weeks ago. I didn't see a ton of changes in the first month. Month two was a bit better and then things really got going in month 3... it's like it took 60 days to break my body into submission to change (lol).
    How far along are you... try to stick with it. Watch your diet closely too... add Shakeology if you're struggling to consistantly get yourself 5-6 balanced meals each day. The last thing you want to do is fall short of your goals because you were lazy with you nutrition.

    Also... I didn't really lose any weight with P90X, but I lost a total of 13". So if you're not already, start takin those measurements!.
    Best wishes :)
  • auzziecawth66
    auzziecawth66 Posts: 479 Member

    dhemeyer - little off topic but i know there is a pull up bar component to it, just curious how much that thing figures into the workouts?? :)
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    @auzziecawth66 - massively is the answer! There's a monster of a workout called chest and back that is pull-up heavy. Also you do legs and back once a week, which also features pull ups heavily.

    I really struggled with the pull-ups the first time I did P90X, but by the time I finished it I no longer "presently struggled with" them. Now I'm doing P90X2 which has some really crazy pull-ups. I actually look forward to the workouts with them now......

    If you're considering pulling the trigger on the program, I would heartily recommend it. It really exposes your weaknesses and then works on them until they become strengths!
  • Gabrielle456
    lol i hate the pullups, i can never do one.

    @dhemeyer i have only done 4 days of it. I'm planning on doing about 3 rounds of it and once i finish it the first time, do i just jump inot the beginning again or do i have to rest for a couple of days then start again?
  • MileHighScott
    MileHighScott Posts: 35 Member
    lol i hate the pullups, i can never do one.

    @dhemeyer i have only done 4 days of it. I'm planning on doing about 3 rounds of it and once i finish it the first time, do i just jump inot the beginning again or do i have to rest for a couple of days then start again?

    If you struggle with pull-ups, you really should buy the resistance bands. Do those for at least the first 30 days and then try pull-ups. If you can only do one pull-up, then do one pull-up and finish the exercise with the bands. You'll get better!

    As far as seeing change, it really depends on the individual. I started to lose weight immediately but I needed to lose weight. Others don't see much until days 30-60. I can say it works. My first round this year, I lost 29 lbs. I am in the middle of round 2 and have lost a few more pounds (about 4) but my fitness level has increased significantly.

    Stay the course. It is a great program if you follow the nutrition as well.
  • pawneed5
    pawneed5 Posts: 37
    I'm thinking about starting but am not sure about the nutrition. I'm doing low carb. Do you think thats a good idea?
  • michaelispas
    michaelispas Posts: 39 Member
    after about 2 months, I really saw changes when I saw my day 60 pictures. the first 2 months were basically a shock to the system and I was really big so even though I lost 17 pounds in the first month, I didn't really see any changes except in my strength and stamina. Bring it!
  • auzziecawth66
    auzziecawth66 Posts: 479 Member
    lol i hate the pullups, i can never do one.

    @dhemeyer i have only done 4 days of it. I'm planning on doing about 3 rounds of it and once i finish it the first time, do i just jump inot the beginning again or do i have to rest for a couple of days then start again?

    If you struggle with pull-ups, you really should buy the resistance bands. Do those for at least the first 30 days and then try pull-ups. If you can only do one pull-up, then do one pull-up and finish the exercise with the bands. You'll get better!

    As far as seeing change, it really depends on the individual. I started to lose weight immediately but I needed to lose weight. Others don't see much until days 30-60. I can say it works. My first round this year, I lost 29 lbs. I am in the middle of round 2 and have lost a few more pounds (about 4) but my fitness level has increased significantly.

    Stay the course. It is a great program if you follow the nutrition as well.

    So I take this to mean even if the pull ups are a big part of the program he gives you a modification if you can't? (I think it would b a long time working up to one for me. I have zilch upper body strength)
  • michaelispas
    michaelispas Posts: 39 Member
    Yes, the modification is to use a chair to do pull-ups on. You put one leg on it and you use as little pressure as possible and pull yourself up. Resistance bands won't work as well as assisted pull-ups, take it from me!
  • rkr22401
    rkr22401 Posts: 216 Member
    30 days for you to notice. 60 days for your friends to notice. 90 days for everyone else to notice.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I noticed results after month 2 and into month 3. I never did a single pull up in any of my rounds and used resistance bands and still obtained some pretty awesome results to my back;-)
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Hi--I did 2 consecutive rounds of P90x, and just finished my 2nd round a few weeks ago. I was at my maintenance weight, so did not lose any weight, but loved the program. I felt much stronger, and gained more muscle. I didn't really take measurements but based on pictures, I could see it. Not really in the first 2 months, but within the 3rd, and definitely 4th month.

    As far as pullups go, I couldn't even do one when I started. I did buy the bar, and it was frustrating at the beginning not to be able to accomplish much. I did not buy bands in the meantime as another poster suggested (although that's a great idea). Instead I did what I could, and then did jumping jacks or ballistic stretches in between to keep my heart rate up. Eventually I was able to get to 3, then 6 then eventually 12-14 pullups. I kind of still jump a little to get started, but it's a big improvement, and if you keep trying, you'll see this as a big accomplishment.

    Anyway, I have been trying to figure out how to "maintain" w/P90x for the last few weeks--I'm not sure I have figured out yet the optimal way to keep the strength I gained, but am working on it.

    Anyway, highly recommended!
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    What you find is that when you can achieve a 10-15 rep count on the various chin/pull ups (might be at the lower end for super-wide or corn cobs) and then you go back through the program again you get much more out of the workouts a second time through.

    Once you've heard that it's not that you "can't" do pull-ups, but that you "presently struggle with" then the door is open for you to do 1. Then maybe next time squeek out an extra 1. Now you're on 2. Rinse and repeat over a few months and you'll surprise yourself if you stick with it!

    I would note on the chair thing: I tried this to start with and, for me, it was rubbish! I saw no real improvement or progression. I switched to doing proper ones, albeit with a reduced range of motion and built up my numbers and form as I went....

    After P90X2 I was thinking of changing up and doing Rushfit but wonder what will happen to stuff like pull-ups - might have to throw a few in to be on the safe side :)
  • rkr22401
    rkr22401 Posts: 216 Member
    For pullups I recommend doing negatives (help yourself up and slowly resist your bodyweight on the way back down with no help). These will make you very sore and improve your strength.

    Also they sell giant rubber bands for cross fit to assist with pull-ups (see their website). You loop it around the bar and place your foot in the other end. Provides just enough assistance. You can buy several different strength bands to provide more or less assistance as you become fatigues or grow stronger.