fat burning foods

Hi Everyone! Came across this and thought that it is a good to know! :)


In your struggle to lose weight, eating foods that burn fat in your body more efficiently is an important factor. Here is a list of top fat burning foods that you should include in your diet.

These foods help break down fatty deposits and make it easier for your body to flush out the fat.

1. Asparagus - Contains the chemical asparagine, which is an alkaloid that stimulates the kidneys and improves the circulatory process. These alkaloids break down oxalic acid, which tends to glue fat to cells. Breaking down this acid helps to reduce fat levels.

2. Beets - A strong diuretic that focuses on the liver and kidneys. Beets flush out floating body fats and cleanses blood corpuscles that can contain fat deposits. Beets also contain chlorine that stimulates the lymph, which helps flush out fatty deposits.

3. Brussel Sprouts - Stimulates the pancreas, which releases hormones that will have a cleansing effect on cells. Brussel sprouts also contain minerals that stimulate the kidneys so that waste is released quicker.

4. Cabbage - This is a great food if you have a potbelly or middle age spread on your waistline, as it helps break up fat in this area. Cabbage contains sulphur and iodine, which helps to cleanse the gastric intestinal mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines and helps break up fat.

5. Carrots - Carrots contains carotene, a form of Vitamin A, this carotene will start a fat flushing reaction in your system. This reaction will literally wash out fat and waste quickly. The carotene will be transformed into vitamin A in the intestines and this process will cause your metabolism to speed up and create a reaction in your cells to remove fat deposits.

6. Celery - Raw celery has a high concentration of Calcium in a ready to use form, so when you eat it, the calcium is sent directly to work. This pure form of calcium will ignite your endocrine system. The hormones in your body will break up the accumulated fat build up. Celery also has a high level of magnesium and iron, which will clean out your system.

7. Cucumbers - Contains sulfur and silicon content that stimulate the kidneys to wash up uric acid and loosen fat from cells.

8. Garlic - A natural diuretic containing mustard oils that create a cleansing action in the body. They promote a vigorous action of Peristalsis. Peristalsis is a muscular contraction that helps to break down clumps of fat and wash it out.

9. Horseradish - It has an amazing effect of dissolving fat in cells (no side effects) and also as a cleansing effect on the body.

10. Lettuce - Contains iron and magnesium, which enters your spleen, to boost your immunity and protects the body from illness. Lettuce also helps the liver as it increases your metabolism and washes out fatty cells.

11. Radishes - Contains high levels of Iron and Magnesium which scrub the mucous membrane of the body and helps to dissolve fat in the cells.

12. Tomatoes - Contains Vitamin C and Citricmalic-oxalic acids. The acid will accelerate metabolism and help the kidneys filter out large quantities of fatty deposits and wash away fat from your system.


  • C00lCountry
    C00lCountry Posts: 282

    I guess like most things it would still depend on what you eat with them too.
  • JPal5
    JPal5 Posts: 178
    Or how you prepare them .. ie steamed is great, tempura style not so much!
  • LittleNicci
    LittleNicci Posts: 284 Member
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    LOL..is this a joke? cabbage breaks up belly fat? garlic causes a muscle contraction that flushes fat away?

    come on! please dont tell me that you actually believe this. Please.
  • JPal5
    JPal5 Posts: 178
    I don't have scientific evidence to prove it or dismiss it. Do you? If so I'd be very interested.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I don't have scientific evidence to prove it or dismiss it. Do you? If so I'd be very interested.

    what about common sense? what about just actually thinking about some of these statements?
  • JPal5
    JPal5 Posts: 178
    I don't have scientific evidence to prove it or dismiss it. Do you? If so I'd be very interested.

    what about common sense? what about just actually thinking about some of these statements?

    I'm not an expert. I found this and thought it was interesting. Why make me feel like an idiot?
    I'm here to learn about eating healthily and make good choices for my body.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I don't have scientific evidence to prove it or dismiss it. Do you? If so I'd be very interested.

    what about common sense? what about just actually thinking about some of these statements?

    I'm not an expert. I found this and thought it was interesting. Why make me feel like an idiot?
    I'm here to learn about eating healthily and make good choices for my body.

    you dont need to feel like an idiot and I dont want you to, but just use your brain....the internet is a wonderful thing but just because someone throws something out there doesnt make it true. good luck
  • rehan82
    rehan82 Posts: 22
    My common sense says that all of the things listed there are really good in terms of just their nutritional content. I use many of them to compensate my small but protein heavy meals like chicken breast and that works out very nicely for me. It helps me feel good and filled without going over my calorie budget.

    So thanks a lot for sharing this information and I will definitely try to include more of these things as they are all very low in calories.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    My common sense says that all of the things listed there are really good in terms of just their nutritional content. .

    very true. there is nothing wrong with any of the foods listed. I do limit beets because of their high sugar content.

    The issue is the title of the post and the claims made in the article. Foods do not flush or burn fat. Expending energy through staying alive will USE fat for energy but fat does not get flushed or dissolved or broken up by eating certain foods.
  • BeniGee
    BeniGee Posts: 8 Member
    Thanks I found this very helpful.
  • Lgrose
    Lgrose Posts: 11 Member
    I say, ask a dietician if you're questioning the post. ;)
  • Lgrose
    Lgrose Posts: 11 Member
    ....And remember to read the small print at the bottom of the forum that says, "Posts by members, moderators and admins should not be considered medical advice and no guarantee is made against accuracy." So if you have any doubt, ask a physician or dietician who deals with what the topic has claimed. :)
  • Lgrose
    Lgrose Posts: 11 Member
    ....And remember to read the small print at the bottom of the forum that says, "Posts by members, moderators and admins should not be considered medical advice and no guarantee is made against accuracy." So if you have any doubt, ask a physician or dietician who deals with what the topic has claimed. :)
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Individual foods are not lipogenic or lipolytic on their own. Some of us don't need a dietitian to confirm that.
  • Lgrose
    Lgrose Posts: 11 Member
    ....And remember to read the small print at the bottom of the forum that says, "Posts by members, moderators and admins should not be considered medical advice and no guarantee is made against accuracy." So if you have any doubt, ask a physician or dietician who deals with what the topic has claimed. :)
    And thank you JPal5 for the post. It's really appreciated. I will try to fit some more of those in my diet. I've been eating way too much fruit and not enough veggies anyway. I have read over and over that you should limit even the fruit, cause even if it's still healthy, it still has sugar in it, which in turn affects our blood sugar levels and then if not worked off, will store fat.
  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    9. Horseradish - It has an amazing effect of dissolving fat in cells (no side effects) and also as a cleansing effect on the body.

    11. Radishes - Contains high levels of Iron and Magnesium which scrub the mucous membrane of the body and helps to dissolve fat in the cells.

    This worries me, since my brain is made up of fat.. should I be concerned that radishes and horseradish will make me stupider?
  • vtachycardia
    vtachycardia Posts: 374
    Detox foods
    Fat burners
    Vitamin supplements

    Role up Role up, Snake Oil for sale (the fitness nutrition industry needs you)

    Balanced diet and exercise, there are no magic bullets.
  • Lgrose
    Lgrose Posts: 11 Member
    That's ok. I'm just mearly making a statement that if people are wondering and don't know, they can ask a professional about it, instead of listening to people on here who say it is true or it's not true, but can't give anything further than their opinion, cause they really don't know how it all works together in the body. I went ahead and sent the list of foods in the original post to a dietician friend of mine, so we'll see if they get back to me or not and what they have to say about it. Could very well be that nothing helps to really burn fat faster, other than working out and eating healthy foods in a balanced manner, but I do know that fruits and veggies do help "flush" out the system better than processed foods do. So the claim that they burn fat faster, and the claimed scientific evidence behind each food, could be false. But unless you're in the field to how the foods work as they break down in the system, you really shouldn't tell someone they're wrong, unless you'd like to enlighten us on your knowledge.
  • Lgrose
    Lgrose Posts: 11 Member
    A balance diet means more fruits, veggies, lean protiens and whole grains. But how often do you need to eat certain fruits and veggies? Some are higher in sugar and fats. What types of vitamins and minerals are in them and how do they affect our body? If anyone on here has knowledge of such things, please feel free to share. ;)