Here i am again

Im back for a second time. I lost 60lbs 3 years ago using this site. Unfortunatley i let life get in the way and stopped logging. I am now bigger than i have ever been. I put on the 60 i lost and 10 more. Never made it to my goal weight. This time needs to be different. I need to be here for me, I need to stay here for me and i cant let life get in the way. So hello everyone Im back to stay :)


  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    Welcome back! I hear you about letting life get in the way -- this site has been such a help to me, but I still need to learn to put myself first...and if not first, then at least not dead last. :) Still learning how to MAKE time -- but I'm getting better! Kudos to you for starting again.
  • camelgirlmn
    camelgirlmn Posts: 226 Member
    Welcome back!!! Im always looking for new friends and more encouragement. If you want you can add me :)
  • bricker74
    bricker74 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanx a bunch guys, its awesome to have support.
  • wreckedredhead60
    wreckedredhead60 Posts: 40 Member
    Yep, been there done that. Realized yesterday or actually let myself face the fact that I am 83 lbs heavier than when I got married 33 years ago - so time for the thin me to make a reappearance and stay around this time. Lost 60 lbs and gained 70 back - I'm with you.