3km run at lunch-time - worth it ?

Hi all,

I am fairly new to running, but it's fair to say I have definitely caught the running bug. I feel down when I can't get out, and hate rest days (but know they are necessary)... :)

I am a slow runner (I can complete 5km in 35-38mins), and have been able to run 3 times per week (5km at a time), and I love it. Here's my question... sometimes on busy days I have to cram my run into my lunch hour. Of course when it takes me so long to complete 5km, I can't fit it into my lunch hour, and instead just do 3km (which takes me about 21mins). I'm not at the stage where I can challenge myself too much, as I'm still very new to running, so I don't want to scare myself by trying intervals of faster bursts. I'm quite happy just running for a shorter time on these busy days. Maybe I can increase to 4 times per week on weeks when I can only manage 3km at once, to make sure I still cover the same distance each week (so instead of 3x 5km=15km - do 1x5km, 1x4km and 2x 3km).

So... is a 3km run worth it ? If I'm only running for 21mins each time, or is this a waste of time ? Something is better than nothing right ? And the buzz it gives me sticks with me all afternoon if I CAN get out during my lunch hour. I wear a HRM and burn between 230-270 cals, so it can't be all bad right ?

Thoughts ? Am I wasting my time, just going out for 21mins ???



  • RAF_Guy
    RAF_Guy Posts: 230 Member
    21 minutes is absolutely worth it, in fact there is a school of thought that says that after 20 minutes of exercise, the benefit you gain drops exponentially (no doubt I will get shot down for that one!)

    There is nothing wrong at all with adding an extra day, and why not try a bit of HIIT in there towards the end. Try sprinting the last 50m of your run and if it feels ok, try 75km the next time and slowly build it in.

    You are doing so well, keep at it.
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    It's absolutely worth it!

    In fact, I like to mix things up speed and distance wise (plus route wise). I only run on my recovery weeks, but I typically do an 8 miler, a 2 miler and 3-5 miler(including some interval-type stuff). People who only run at one speed, at one distance on one route soon plateau! If you can chuck in a hill (or two) a short run can be quite challenging anyway

    Get out and have some fun....... ;)
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    Always go for the exercise, even if it's only 5 minutes. Do the 3k and enjoy.

    But, yeah, if you're going to do less distance than you normally do, I'd vote with RAF_Guy and end it with a nice wind sprint, or turn it into high intensity intervals, or make the most of the reduced time. You might be surprised to find that training that way reduces your overall 5k time by allowing you to focus on speed rather than endurance occasionally.
  • SteveTries
    SteveTries Posts: 723 Member

    why not modify your plan slightly from 3kms to a 25min lunchtime workout and see if you can slightly increase the distance each week. I wouldn't be at all surprised if you didn't find yourself getting close to that 5km distance with just a few months.

    Other options are to bring in some intervals. You could do HIIT's of 30 second flat out sprint with 4 mins recovery inbetween or you could do fartleks where you up the pace for periods of your run or you could find a hill and run up it and recover on the way down. there are lots of alternative and they will bring on different aspects of your fitness that will benefit your regular 5km runs also.

    As you get more comfortable you could introduce 1 long run on a weekend maybe. A slower paced run up to 10kms can be pretty enjoyable and after a few attempts you might well find yourself completing it within the hour so it's not taking up too much time.

    Alternatively stay as you are, it's going to be bringing you benefit too.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    ANY exersice IS totally worth it! :wink:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    No movement is a waste of time...whether you're going for a slow walk or a fast run!
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    Oh HELLZ yeah.

    Besides just the time spent, it'll help train your body to stay on its toes (not literally, that would get uncomfortable) and be ready for exercise ANYTIME, not just mornings and/or evenings.

    Spreading out your workouts has its own benefits, aside from the straight calorie burn.
  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member

    So... is a 3km run worth it ? If I'm only running for 21mins each time, or is this a waste of time ? Something is better than nothing right ? And the buzz it gives me sticks with me all afternoon if I CAN get out during my lunch hour. I wear a HRM and burn between 230-270 cals, so it can't be all bad right ?

    I think you answered your own questions right here. Enjoy your runs!!!
  • melanie3103
    melanie3103 Posts: 246 Member
    I've been doing 3x 5km runs per week. So thinking I could do instead:

    2x 3km lunchtime runs per week
    1x5km (my regular saturday morning "Park Run)

    Still totals 15km per week - FTW! :)

    We'll see.. might be a way to cram in a workout, rather than "oh I haven't got time for a run today".... :-)
  • melanie3103
    melanie3103 Posts: 246 Member
    I've been doing 3x 5km runs per week. So thinking I could do instead:

    2x 3km lunchtime runs per week
    1x5km (my regular saturday morning "Park Run)

    Still totals 15km per week - FTW! :)

    We'll see.. might be a way to cram in a workout, rather than "oh I haven't got time for a run today".... :-)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    In 21 minutes you'll burn calories, reduce stress and improve your cardiovascular heatlh. That sounds worth it to me. Exercise is never a waste of time.
  • catweazle12
    catweazle12 Posts: 60 Member
    A run is always worth it no matter how short.
    Here's an article that may help to maximize your time on the road...


    Happy running
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Short runs, long runs.....they're all good!
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    For example, for the 1st time EVAR I just did a 2.5-mile run at lunch.

    This is how I am justifying the ginormous greasy monte cristo sammich I bought at the deli on the way back.


    (See? Many many benefits...)
  • melanie3103
    melanie3103 Posts: 246 Member
    Thanks all, just been out again today. Managed to cram a 4km run in this time (29mins) - but feel tons better about stretching my 15km per week current tally over more regular shorter runs when time is tight.

    As always, appreciate the feedback and comments...

    Hope you all have a fab day xx