Motivate me!!!

Stefanie102684 Posts: 15
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
After doing GREAT for a few months.. I have hit a wall. I'm lazy :yawn: and haven't kept up with MFP for about a week now. I need some motivation and a kick in the you know what :noway: . C'mon ya'll !! give me some words of encouragement.. CONSTRUCTIVE critisism... anything.. GET ME OFF THIS COUCH. LOL!
Plus.. Any kind of supplements to give me energy/motivation/happiness? I'm somewhat anemic.. so I usually take b12 & iron... but not really helping.. so, what else can I take?
Love Ya'll! :heart:

Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  • Just post what you do on the site even if it is not good. I have lost 50 pounds in very little time by making sure I do something every morning for exercise. I do 10 minutes of dancing while I shave, brush my teeth, etc. It works for me. followed by about 40 oz of water. I also take Hyperdrive 3.0+. It works great! I started slow but happy now!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    1 - hand an acquaintance (not a real friend, you'd never forgive a friend for this),,, hand an acquaintance a digi-camera.
    2 - tell them to take candid shots of you - nothing posed. You wanna see what you really look like. Preferably from behind.
    3 - print out the pictures (all the pictures, don't cherrypick), and stick them up here and there.

    That'll do it. :smile: :laugh:
  • kandyjo
    kandyjo Posts: 4,493 Member
    first of all.... You're going to have to have the "want to" on your own... No amount of words from anyone else will do it...
    That's just the obvious...

    Join a gym! I fell into a rut recently and joining the gym really helped!! Its really fun ( I LOVE the classes) and if I miss, the gals check on me... Almost makes me feel guilty for missing :laugh:
    Most of my friends that go to the gym with me are all skinny butted gals :laugh: They all look amazing! So, when I'm in class with them, that is actually motivation for me... not intimidation... My Jazzercise instructor was 165 lbs in July and she LOOKS AMAZING!!! Seriously! I told her I wanted her butt!! Yeah, nothing awkward about that statement :laugh:

    That would be what I suggest to you... I have a great group of friends here on MFP that keep me motivated and I love those girls!!!! BUT, I also have to have someone in "real life" that will give me a kick in the butt when I need it... Someone usually won't just volunteer for that will have to ask... :wink:

    Good luck!! I'm in this for the long haul. I hope you are too... BUT what it comes down to is, do you have what it takes? Are you going to see it through?! Its really easy to just turn off the computer and never log onto MFP again... Its Easy to just stay on the couch never making a change or a committment to change... I know, when I have done what comes EASY, it got me to 230 pounds... So, I'm through with EASY... I'm going to change! Change takes effort. So, get off the couch... put a little effort into yourself and make a change!!
  • KendalBeee
    KendalBeee Posts: 2,269 Member
    You can sit there and want to lose weight all day long but until you get off the couch, it will never happen. Take it one day at a time. Make the effort to get up and move around. Make the effort to log your food (even if you ate crap all day).

  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,332 Member
    first of all.... You're going to have to have the "want to" on your own... No amount of words from anyone else will do it...
    That's just the obvious...

    Join a gym! I fell into a rut recently and joining the gym really helped!! Its really fun ( I LOVE the classes) and if I miss, the gals check on me... Almost makes me feel guilty for missing :laugh:
    Most of my friends that go to the gym with me are all skinny butted gals :laugh: They all look amazing! So, when I'm in class with them, that is actually motivation for me... not intimidation... My Jazzercise instructor was 165 lbs in July and she LOOKS AMAZING!!! Seriously! I told her I wanted her butt!! Yeah, nothing awkward about that statement :laugh:

    That would be what I suggest to you... I have a great group of friends here on MFP that keep me motivated and I love those girls!!!! BUT, I also have to have someone in "real life" that will give me a kick in the butt when I need it... Someone usually won't just volunteer for that will have to ask... :wink:

    Good luck!! I'm in this for the long haul. I hope you are too... BUT what it comes down to is, do you have what it takes? Are you going to see it through?! Its really easy to just turn off the computer and never log onto MFP again... Its Easy to just stay on the couch never making a change or a committment to change... I know, when I have done what comes EASY, it got me to 230 pounds... So, I'm through with EASY... I'm going to change! Change takes effort. So, get off the couch... put a little effort into yourself and make a change!!

    yeahthat.gif Very well said!!!
  • YaY!!! Great Advice from EVERYONE! I'm not REALLY on the couch all day (I have a 2 yr old).. but I just get into slumps. It's hard for me.. I like instant gratification and the 1-2 lb a week is driving me nuts. lol. I have a great support system in my family.. but since I'm the only stay at home mom I know.. I don't really have anyone to work out with during the day.. But I just took my little girl for a wagon ride around the block.. so maybe I can bounce outta this hole I've dug... one day at a time.. Thanks for the enouragement and tips. I really appreciate it my lovely MFP friends!:heart:

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Ripgirl
    Ripgirl Posts: 172 Member
    When you think about how the 1-2lbs / week seems so, so very slow (I know exactly what you mean!) then look forward and think about what that equates to 6 weeks from now.
    That would be a 6-12lb loss if you stay at that pace.

    The time is going to pass whether you get motivated now or not.
    So, do you want to look back in 6 weeks thinking 'crap! i could have been 6lbs further along in my journey by now if I'd kept at it'


    Look back in 6 weeks and think, 'yay me! i'm down another 6lbs!!'

    This may not work for you, but it's the little game I play with myself when I'm not feeling like sticking to my plan. If I let myself go off-plan for 3 weeks, then I just pushed the day I'll reach my goal out 3 weeks further. It mostly works :tongue:

    Good luck - stick with it!
  • I was having a motivation problem as well. I wouldn't do anything constructive all day and would go to bed mad at myself. I got a big monthly calendar and at the end of the day I write my accomplishments for the day. "Stayed within my calories" "Walked for an hour" "Burned 700 calories" etc. Some days I get off my butt just so I don't have to look at a blank square. It is working for me so far. HTH!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    You got this Stef :bigsmile: I saw Keisha is on her way to FL - tell her to kick you in the you know what :laugh: You've done great so far!!! One day at a time! :heart: ya!
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