How Many Pounds Until People Notice?



  • PJ_73
    PJ_73 Posts: 331 Member
    I put on 50 pounds and no one noticed, so not sure they'll notice when i lose it!!

    Either that or I just got really nice friends!
  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    i'm 5'4", and I didn't REALLY get comments (sorry, but my mother doesn't count) until 20 pounds (out of the 45-50 i have to lose). Try not to put TOO much value on comments though. My husband's great-grandmother said this last time she saw me: "You've lost 32 pounds? I didn't realize you were THAT heavy!" Just smile and remember you're doing this for yourself.
  • abnerner
    abnerner Posts: 452 Member
    I am at a 27 pound loss and am 5'0. I started at 227. I would say people starting saying things maybe around 15 pounds, but to be honest, I haven't had a ton of feedback, mostly just from immediate family and friends.
  • littlewitch1973
    People actually didnt notice on me until about the 40 pound mark - of course, I had over 200 to lose. Now, people notice if I lose 10! The difference is in how often people see you, and how much your body composition changes. Mine is changing a lot faster now, and since I am working at home more, people at work only see me once a week or so, so it is pretty obvious to them.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I have a photo record of Mid-april I had lost 7 pounds and still looked really gross.

    by mid may I had lost another 5 lbs or so ( 13 pounds or so in total) and I could see a change

    by mid June I had lost another 3-5 pounds ( 15-17 pounds total) and one night hubby said "you have hips!"

    this is the first week in July, and just today I hit 21.2 pounds gone. I can see a difference for sure.
  • venusinprogress
    venusinprogress Posts: 31 Member
    Hi, howlong has it taken you to lose that much. I need to lose 60 lbs and am sticking to my 1270 daily food cals. I am also exercising but some days counting my exercise cals from my food cals mean that I am going ( sometimes) way under my daily food allowance. What worked for you? I need to know rugently as I am getting very frustrated. Been doing this since beginning of June and my goal is to lose 2lbs per week. Last week I put on 3lbs. This week i've lost 1 lb. How will I ever reach my target weight by January at this rate?
  • jmelyan23
    jmelyan23 Posts: 1,664 Member
    The few people who have mentioned it I think didn't notice til 15-20 lbs.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    I've lost around 7 pounds so far of the 50 pounds I need to lose. I haven't really told many people that I am trying to lose weight. I am waiting for people at work to start noticing. I'm wondering about how many pounds it takes until it is obvious to people that a person has lost weight. I'm thinking it will be around the 20 pound mark. When did people start noticing your weight loss?
    Wow, nice weight loss! People noticed on me right away, but I have noticed weight training yields lots of visual results immediately...
  • TrekkieChic
    TrekkieChic Posts: 109 Member
    I think it depends on how tall you are.

    I'd say on someone 5'3" and under, it's noticeable after 15lbs, 5'4" - 5'8" it's noticeable after 20lbs, any taller probably only after 30 lbs.

    I also think how much you have to lose has a lot to do with it...
  • Temple_Fit
    Temple_Fit Posts: 299 Member
    It varies on where you lose it. People notice a 5-10lb lose because my face was smaller.
  • djkamin60
    djkamin60 Posts: 88
    I would say 15-20. I lost first in upper body, but got a nice surprise of over 4 inches off waist when I had a new waist measurement taken after 5 months.
  • LMP18
    LMP18 Posts: 81 Member
    I am almost at 50 lbs and not many people have noticed. I think it's because my friends know I would get annoyed if they showed me that kind of attention but it is nice when someone says WOW you look great! I notice because almost everything in my closet is huge on me. I am doing this for me so I dont care if people notice or not - I just know I feel good and feel better about myself!
  • m60kaf
    m60kaf Posts: 421 Member
    people who you see often are less likely to notice

    If you loose about 14lb and see them after a few weeks they will know

    There is also the whole psychology that if you get to a point where you are looking better than the person they are less likely to comment
  • thescrumisfun
    I honestly noticed after I lost 5 lbs, but that is because I'm 5'3", and it was mainly in my face :P. After about 10 pounds, I notice and so do others.
  • Octopies
    Octopies Posts: 157 Member
    My family noticed it at around 10 lbs. I'm short and really fat though so even small weight changes come with noticeable results. Unfortunately this holds true when you put on a few pounds too!

    ^^ I'm 5'3" too!
  • Charliebarleymo
    I think it depends on how tall you are.

    I'd say on someone 5'3" and under, it's noticeable after 15lbs, 5'4" - 5'8" it's noticeable after 20lbs, any taller probably only after 30 lbs.

    I also think how much you have to lose has a lot to do with it...

    I am 6' and people have been noticing since about 20lb, which is half of my goal.
  • ReclaimingSarah
    ReclaimingSarah Posts: 250 Member
    My husband said he started noticing around 15, but for most people, it was 30. It took my grandmother until I hit the 60 mark to notice!
  • lavieboheme1229
    lavieboheme1229 Posts: 448 Member
    I'm 6' tall- I noticed after 10-12 pds, BF notices after 15, people I told noticed around 15 also.

    I'm currently down 24 and not another soul in the world has noticed. Which is kinda disheartening, because I'm gone down a pants and shirt size, but I'm tall. Those people also didn't notice when I had put 24 on.
  • lisahale
    lisahale Posts: 56
    Everyone started noticing when I hit my 20lb mark.
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    I'm 20lbs down now and the only person to notice (or to comment at least) is my DH - and I suspect that's only to make me feel better!

    This is driving me mad so I have to ask... What does DH actually stand for? I know its relating to the person's significant other but what is 'DH' the abbreviation for? The first thing that comes to my mind is not complimentary!!! Lol...

    And in answer to the question, I only had about 25lbs to lose... No-one really noticed until I got to the last 7-8lbs then EVERYONE started commenting! :)