How Many Pounds Until People Notice?



  • BigBrewski
    BigBrewski Posts: 922 Member
    I would say 20lbs as well. At least for me that seemed to be the mark when I was really heavy several people noticed at the 25lb mark. I actually don't notice much cause I don't always see the man in the mirror if you know what I mean but I saw the size of my clothes going down.

    So I started back up on my weight loss again (see profile for more info) and I am down about 14lbs now and so far 2 people noticed however both of these people know that I am in the gym daily and trying to lose weight so I totally believe they made comments as motivation.

    I am waiting for a co-worker or somoene that doesn't know I am dieting to make a comment. When I receive that comment I'll come back and update this post to put in the "number".
  • airbent
    airbent Posts: 150 Member
    I've had one person at work who swears I'm shrinking, and that's pretty much it. And I hadn't told her/anyone I'm trying. but at just 15 pounds I'm not 100% sure I notice it MYSELF yet. I mean whatever, there's still so much left. :P

    But every person's different re: body makeup and how much they need to lose. Personally I feel like if I don't see it on myself by 25-30 lbs I'm going to start feeling dubious about my scale.
  • MarthasVineyard
    MarthasVineyard Posts: 35 Member
    People started to notice my weight loss around 15/20 pounds. Some still haven't noticed or said anything, but that's okay. I felt better almost immediately even at losing just 8 pounds, I was more energetic, sleeping better and no more heartburn. I'm doing this for me and a better quality of life. If the comments come great, they're just a bonus!
  • ZiezieO
    ZiezieO Posts: 228 Member
    It depends completely on your body and HOW MUCH you need to get rid of and WHERE your body decides to let go first

    I think I gained a lot of size in my face because I lost 6lbs and everyone noticed... Or at least said that I looked much less swollen... So when you take your profile shots of you body, make sure you get your cheeks and neck and chin in there... they don't seem like a big deal, but that's what people tend to try and look for first when they see you. <3 Now only if I could lose my belly!
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    I had a couple of people notice around 20lbs. But 30lbs. is when I started to get a lot of comments. Now I have people calling me "bones" really? I weigh 195 lbs. No matter what height, that is not "boney". Anyway, it feels good when people start to notice!
  • zcjtg17
    zcjtg17 Posts: 1
    Do you feel YOU notice the weight loss?
  • mmarcy7
    mmarcy7 Posts: 227 Member
    No one has said a word to me about my weight loss. Then again, no one said anything over the 2 years that I gained 25 lbs either. So maybe it's a good thing.
  • WonderCort
    WonderCort Posts: 123 Member
    Others noticed the difference with me at around 20 lbs; for me it was nearer 50.

    I have to agree, it seemed that others didn't really notice until I had lost close to 50 lbs. Then it appeared that EVERYONE noticed. It seemed like over night all of the people of my life noticed I had lost weight.
  • hipyogacat
    hipyogacat Posts: 11 Member
    I think it really depends on your body composition. I've lost 10 pounds of 40 and people started to notice around 7 pounds, BUT I put on a lot of muscle. So my fat loss was more than 7 pounds woth at that time.
  • Tat2dDom624
    Tat2dDom624 Posts: 1,226 Member
    The first ten pounds or so, is when people see a change in my appearance. My face is where it's first noticeable.
  • mmarcy7
    mmarcy7 Posts: 227 Member
    About 10 yrs ago I went from 170 lbs to 135 lbs (I'm 5'7") and someone asked me how much weight I had lost. I told them 35 lbs and they were like " That's all? It looks like you lost a lot more than that." I guess it was meant as a compliment, but I always thought that was an odd thing to say. I suppose they just thought I looked a lot fatter before than I actually was.
  • aprilgrl27
    aprilgrl27 Posts: 176 Member
    The only person to notice is my ex husband. of course. LOL. But I don't care who sees/comments/notices. The only person I am trying to impress is ME! :love:
  • meeka472
    meeka472 Posts: 283 Member
    I think 10 - 15 lbs was the magic number for me. At 20 lbs people were thinking I lost a bunch of weight. I think it depends on the person. For me 20 lbs was the difference between a size 6 and a size 10/12.
  • Dedicatediva
    Dedicatediva Posts: 32 Member
    A few people has noticed and I'm down 22 pounds.
  • Snowbird73
    Snowbird73 Posts: 25
    It is hard for us to realize that we are not as important to other people as we think we are. People are concerned with their own appearance instead of the appearance of others. I am 5' 3" and have lost 12 lbs since April 25. I joined MFP and Fitbit in May so the first 4 lbs do not show up here. Only those who know I am trying to lose weight have commented.
  • InTheInbetween
    InTheInbetween Posts: 192 Member
    It is hard for us to realize that we are not as important to other people as we think we are. People are concerned with their own appearance instead of the appearance of others.

    I like to remind myself of this lol. I think people are more inclined to notice others when it's for something they actively relate to themselves. I know that I tend to notice when other people lose weight because it's something I obsess over myself.

    It was about 12 pounds when people started to notice my recent loss but what really freaked me out was when they did notice, I couldn't help but wonder "so did they notice when I gained those 12 to begin with?!". What did they think THEN? That thought is utterly appalling to me! :embarassed:
  • girlonfire15
    girlonfire15 Posts: 77 Member
    I've had people commenting as soon as 5, but I never seem to notice it until around 20.
  • ShannonGo
    ShannonGo Posts: 60
    I wonder if it is not really how many pounds before people notice, but maybe % of body weight lost. No one said anything and I saw nothing until I had lost 5% of my body weight. Maybe its more likely to be noticeable if you've lost 5-10% of your previous weight?
  • mphlab
    mphlab Posts: 187 Member
    I saw two people that I had not seen for months ( before I started to lose) and they both said something. It was about 30 pounds.
  • PandaCustard
    PandaCustard Posts: 204 Member
    So far the only people who have said anything are my fiance and mom; no one else has really noticed. However, I notice a HUGE different in myself with only 10 lbs... my waist has gone from 33" to 29" and my hips from 49" to 44". That is a huge difference to me.