Looking for friends in my area

It's pretty hard for me to make friends my age, someone to actually hangout with and have fun with so I'm giving this a shot, we already have at least one common interest....lol
Please feel free to add me or if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
I'm happily married so I'm looking primarily for female friends :)


  • Lift_This_
    Lift_This_ Posts: 2,756 Member
    i am from mariposa....about 1.5 hours from ceres....love being on MFP....very fun and have found great support and motivation.
    NNORMSS Posts: 10
    I work in a dental office and our hygienist is from Mariposa :)
    I guess I should've added where I'm located in my post..lol. I guess I just assumed people would look at my profile before responding, but I've had a couple of people ask me where I'm from. Maybe I'll repost because I don't think I can edit my original lol.