Cardio and Kids



  • marylynn85
    marylynn85 Posts: 496 Member
    Im a single mom too and do the same things you do. I think its great to involve the kids in my exercise, especially after going out and seeing so many overweight kids. My 7 and 5 year old even like to run around the track with me. I let my 7 year old use the treadmill and my stationary bike. Even my 2 year old tries to copy some of the workouts I do.
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    I think it sounds great- promoting a healthy and active lifestyle.
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I think the cardio part is fine. The part I would worry about is that they completely, absolutely understand the rules of the equipment. It isn't just fun and it can be dangerous if used the wrong way. I wouldn't want them to think that they can get on it whenever they want without you around.
  • jiggalude
    jiggalude Posts: 53
    My girls (7 and 3) know I take group classes at the gym including zumba and now every morning they do Kids' yoga and sometimes kids zumba from our On Demand. They love it, and I see nothing wrong with them learning to integrate and enjoy exercise! Maybe there would be a kid friendly version for yours to partake in while you do your cardio?
  • LydiaA82
    LydiaA82 Posts: 36
    I do Zumba at home and my 1.5 year old and 2.5 year old love joining in, epecially when they both grab my legs! they find it so funny.
    i want them to think exercise is part of everyday life
  • Babymomakell
    Babymomakell Posts: 257 Member
    My daughter is five, and since I don't work out at home, only at the gym, she isn't allowed to try the treadmill or other machines because it is "Adults only." They have a Family Zumba night once a month and I have been taking her to that, she loves it, the kids line up in the front row near the instructor and dance their little hearts out laughing away, I don't think they even know they are "excersising." I think its great to get your kids active and involved, and I see no problem with an older child using workout equipment. My only concern would be in monitoring it, as a parent, to make sure that body image issues or eating disorders aren't present (which is not the case for the OPs daughter, but could be for others).
  • jlcl119
    jlcl119 Posts: 51
    I think it's great. It's also laying the groundwork of a healthy life for them. Keep on.

    Our gym has daycare, and what I like about it is that the upper portion of the door is open and looks right into the weight room. So, she sees my husband and me lifting. When we come to get her she gets to do 2 exercises before we leave, whatever she wants be it a machine or free weights. We give her a light weight and help her do it right. She loves it.
  • lukesgal15
    lukesgal15 Posts: 5 Member
    I think it is great to start them young. For me as a child the only excercise I knew was mandatory P.E. at school. When I got older and put on the weight I had always feared the gym because I never knew how they worked. I never took health or learned about how to keep healthy and now I am working hard to get to a healthy weight.

    However, it is completely different with my kids. My 14 year old goes to the gym with me to work-out and my 8 and 10 year olds love to do work-out dvd's with me. We talk about nutrition and they understand what calories are and how excercising keeps them healthy. My younger two can't wait until they are old enough to come to the gym with me.

    You are doing the best thing by making excercising fun and informative, they will have the tools to grow up healthy and strong.
  • funkyspunky872
    funkyspunky872 Posts: 866 Member
    I think it is great to start them young. For me as a child the only excercise I knew was mandatory P.E. at school. When I got older and put on the weight I had always feared the gym because I never knew how they worked. I never took health or learned about how to keep healthy and now I am working hard to get to a healthy weight.

    However, it is completely different with my kids. My 14 year old goes to the gym with me to work-out and my 8 and 10 year olds love to do work-out dvd's with me. We talk about nutrition and they understand what calories are and how excercising keeps them healthy. My younger two can't wait until they are old enough to come to the gym with me.

    You are doing the best thing by making excercising fun and informative, they will have the tools to grow up healthy and strong.

    I love that you incorporate healthy diets and exercise, but I would NEVER talk to my children about calories. When you put numbers into the equation, that's where obsession begins. The concept of calories is unnecessary. Follow your food groups and stay active and you'll get the correct range of calories without having to obsess over actual numbers.

    ETA: I wouldn't want my children to know that veggies are 'low-cal' and cheeseburgers are 'high-cal'. There's no good or bad. Veggies are vitamins and mineral and nutrients. A cheeseburger is protein and grains and dairy.
  • terryjo623
    terryjo623 Posts: 101 Member
    I think it is awesome! My kids are my biggest motivators, on the days I am feeling lazy they are always there wanting to go for walks or to the Y or just dancing with the WII. What could be wrong with wanting to live a healthy lifestyle? Maybe they will never have to struggle to loss 100lbs like their mother is right now. Part of our job is teaching them to make the right decisions and exercise is surely a great decision!
  • justjenn1977
    justjenn1977 Posts: 437 Member
    I started this "exercise thing" in 2004... when my youngest was about 4... I have slowly worked up from walking 1/4 mile a day to walking/biking 100+ miles per month... my kids just kinda go with me... all of them have taken the class at the YMCA to be able to go into the weight room and use the cardio machines... my oldest is now 15... some of our best talks about personal stuff happens while we are spotting each other on the machines... my youngest (12 has aspergers) refuses any kind of "sport" but he will bike/hike/"do gym"...

    when they were younger and I did mostly dvd's they did them along with me... I never MADE them... but sometimes "let's do a video with mommy" was the only way I could do my videos...

    as long as it is not forced exercise is good :)
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    I think it is important to introduce kids to exercise and honestly cardio wont kill them it is too early weight training that can effect their muscles. I always said when I have kids Im going to buy a kid treadmill and bike for them for the house to have family workout time haha or open up a kids gym because well lets be honest........adults arent the only one who's weight is effecting their health and we say its okay because they are young...its not.

    anywayzzzz i think this stuff is the cutest: (KIDS EXERCISE MACHINES)
  • TArnold2012
    TArnold2012 Posts: 929 Member
    I was really glad to see this topic. I have only been at this for a few weeks now but once I started adding exercise my 6 yr old wanted to try b/c I want her to understand the balance btw eating healthy and exercise I have let her join in but it did cross my mind about her using the treadmill (the manual states no children under 12). Part of the goal of my own weight loss journey is setting a better example, sharing this experience with her is the best way I know.
  • camelothosting
    camelothosting Posts: 60 Member
    my 11 YO and 13 YO love to work out on the Kinect, fitness evolution 2012 is their favorite, my daughter dances and my son loves the Boot Camp. My Kids are very active anyway and this gives us a/ an reason/excuse to hang out together,
  • Akious
    Akious Posts: 71
    It is awesome that your kids have an interest in this! Wish my parents would have done more for me than feed me sugary foods when the doc told them i needed to gain weight. Its good to hear that they have an interest in staying healthy.
  • oregonsv
    Is good I found this forum, I have a 4 years old kid, and he likes to do exercise while I'm doing it.
    but my question, is, I do exersice for 45 min. (insanity workout), so this is a cardio program, and I tell him to stop that he might want to take a rest. but he doesn't want to stop. is it good for him to do this. or should I tell him not to do it ?
