Should I keep doing Insanity? I can only finish 8- 10 mins!

Hi All!
Help! 31 year old mama, can only do 8 minutes! Should I quit and do something easier??? Just had baby number 3 in January! Very flabby! I really want to loose weight! I am 148 and want to get to 125!
Anyone out there struggling with Insanity???
Thoughts please!!!!


  • Hi
    Can you please tell me what Insanity is??? I keep seeing it, but don't know what it is or how to access it. Help!
  • While I've never done Insanity, I would never suggest just giving up on an exercise! The only way you're going to achieve the results you want is to challenge yourself. If you think you're going to injure yourself doing the workout, then yes try something easier. If only your pride is being injured, then no. Stick with it and love the results you'll see in the future. Next week you could be getting up to 10 - 12 minutes and longer and longer as your body adjusts and gets stronger.
  • StarIsMoving
    StarIsMoving Posts: 437
    Can you please tell me what Insanity is??? I keep seeing it, but don't know what it is or how to access it. Help!

    Insanity is a Beach Body workout. Intense workout
  • Jtorres326
    Jtorres326 Posts: 157 Member
    Hi there! DONT QUITI just (re-)started Month 2 of Insanity and when i first started the warmup kicked my butt! What I did was my best of the workout. Sometimes I could only finish a warmup then just one circuit and so on. Eventually I got through the whole thing. It so far has taken me more than 60 days because of illness and injuries along the way but I am determined to finish it. Pace yourself and do what you can do, eventually you will improve. Don't worry about finishing it in 60 days. Move on to Month 2 only when you can complete the month 1 workouts in their entirety because Month 2 is a DOOZY. You can friend me if you like, ask questions, ask how to modify, anything. I love helping~!

    Good luck :wink:
  • StarIsMoving
    StarIsMoving Posts: 437
    To OP:
    Did you do the fit test? Keep with it, go as you can...the next time the fit test comes around you will see different numbers. You will hear Shaun T tell you to give it 100% and dig deeper a lot... if you are giving 100% then you are going to find improvement. Now, if you don't want to stick with it, then definitely find something you DO want to stick with... but if you like it... just keep giving 100% - if that's 10 mins, then that is 10 more minutes more you would be pushing yourself then if you sat on couch :)
  • Jtorres326
    Jtorres326 Posts: 157 Member
    Insanity is an intense cardio/plyometric style workout. I would compare it to really intense HIIT workouts with some cardio/ calisthenic circuits in between. No weights unless you get the upper body training dvd.
    It is HARD but you really feel like a warrior when you do better than you did the last time.
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    The only advice I can give is to keep going. Your 8 minutes will turn into 9 and then 10 and so on until you can do the whole thing. I am on week two right now and when I first started I couldn't even get through one set of the warm up. And there are 3!!!! I thought I was going to die! But I just kept at it and now I can make it through one whole rotation on the warm up. Still not fabulous but I figure by next week I'll have even more endurance.

    Whatever you do, don't give up!!!! :smile:
  • ramgi
    ramgi Posts: 196 Member

    Can you go at your own pace? Take breaks for a minute at a time in between the warm up. I don't want you trying to keep up with the crazy people on the dvd. Do what you can do! Shaun T even says that. Can you modify some of the jmoves? Try this first and if you still can't finish then call it quits. I love insanity but I wouldn't want you to hurt yourself doing it.
  • MissLucyDee
    MissLucyDee Posts: 66 Member
    Every day until today (day 5) that I have done insanity within about 5 minutes I have a huge urge to turn the video off. But if you stick with it... taking breaks when you need to it will get easier. Just go at your own pace, and if you really can't then try another easier form of exercise and resume insanity when you feel you are more able to do so. Good luck x
  • paulwgun
    paulwgun Posts: 439 Member
    OOOHH stick with it I know its hard, even though i haven't done it

    I did C25K and almost collapsed after running for 30 seconds but stuck with the programme im now up to 10k of non stop running

    My son wants to do insanity and I've watched the fitness test and was gasping for air just watching:laugh:

    Keep with it it will be so worth it
  • DJ478
    DJ478 Posts: 909 Member
    no its fine i started like that sort of tho i wouldnt finish the last 10 mins right now i do insanity but not everyday i wna lose 10-15 lbs first then do it to tone up cause i wn lose lbs not just inches
  • mogolo
    mogolo Posts: 30
    Hi All!
    Help! 31 year old mama, can only do 8 minutes! Should I quit and do something easier??? Just had baby number 3 in January! Very flabby! I really want to loose weight! I am 148 and want to get to 125!
    Anyone out there struggling with Insanity???
    Thoughts please!!!!

    If after your 8 mins you are dripping sweat, heart pounding and panting like a tired dog. then keep going cause you are working yourself 100% and getting as much as you can out of the 8mins wich will turn into longer time as you continue, you will see progress on your fitness tests. BUT if you are doing 8mins and not sweating,panting, heart pounding, then I would switch to something else cause your not getting everything out of your body that you can.
  • wyomingmama
    wyomingmama Posts: 71 Member
    Hey Thanks for your support!
    Yeah Insanity sucks! It's sooo hard. I work so hard my lungs burn! I am giving 100%! I just really want to hit my goal to loose 15 by september 1st! I am afraid that if the workout is tooooo hard I won't finish it!
    I am sore all over! I can barely lift my legs to walk! I feel like I need to puke every 2 mins because I push so hard!

    Maybe I will keep doing my 8 minutes!

    But will the pounds come off with only 8 min?????
  • MissLucyDee
    MissLucyDee Posts: 66 Member
    8 mins is better than no minutes... and pretty soon it won't just be 8 minutes
  • sammyokin
    sammyokin Posts: 1
    Keep going! When I started Insanity I could barely finish the fit test. But now I am on week 3 and I can go through my workouts (still not 100%), but I push through it! Honestly you will see the results! Don't Stop!! :happy:
  • laruud
    laruud Posts: 5
    Keep at it!! I just started today. I barely got through the fit test! But I am determined to lose this baby weight! It helps that my hubby does it with me. It keeps me motivated.
  • BeautyAndStrength50
    BeautyAndStrength50 Posts: 273 Member
    I would try Jillian Michaels 30 day shred get it at Walmart only 9.00 and 30 min workouts. I did it that way and got great results. Its strength training and little cardio.Then I moved to Ripped N 30. thats when I got alot of results.. Im a dedicated jillian fan. Have 8 dvd's of hers.. Now that I have meet my goal I have done Insanity and love it. its hardcore a workout you should do when you are more cardio fit and Jillian will get you there. Now I do P90X and love it too.. Hope that helps.

  • moran1917
    moran1917 Posts: 1,133 Member
    To be honest Insanity made me puke, more than once. So I felt I had to stop. That being said I was a true couch potato and for some reason (insanity lol) thought I could just go from the couch to Shaun T. I backed up. I did the 30 Day Shred and Couch to 5k. Then I was too scared to do insanity because of my first experince. So I did bridge to 10k and Body Revolution. Now I am ready to kick butt at insanity!! So do not be worried about doing an easier program to build up to insanity.

    But if you are enjoying it and handling the 8 minutes you can do, just keep trying to add another minute each day. Or press pause, catch your breath, and try again, repeat.
  • historygirldd
    historygirldd Posts: 209 Member
    don't quit! take a little break and then jump back in. On some of the workouts, Shaun T. even tells some of the people to take a break. Keep it up! Take a break and then jump back in. Each time you complete it, you will be able to do more and more of the workout. If you must, then modify, and always go at your own pace. This workout was meant to be a challenge.
  • tmauck4472
    tmauck4472 Posts: 1,785 Member
    When I started Zumba in May I could only do 20 min. Now I'm doing the whole hour. Still not perfect at it but I stay up and moving for the whole hour. Never give up soon you will be able to do it and you'll be thankful you stayed with it.