What do you want to be....



  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Im the exact same way. My first job paid job was working a department store. I started in the gift wrap area but worked my way to the men's department. I had a certain... Flair with the customers. Wink. I actually loved that job and kept it until college. I went to school to be a biochemist. I wanted to pack up and move away to the prace corps as soon as I graduated. What happened was I learned I loved art and photography there. Ended up having a baby right away. Don't regret it but still wish I'd done it differently. Ya know? Anywho. Couldn't get a decent paying job doing the science stuff unless I went back for more school so i ended up working at a hotel. I sold meeting and tour groups. I loved talking to people from all over the world. I got to work at a lot of places with the job as well. But the benefits stunk so I got swept up by a job in tech support for an ISP. Got promoted to sales. Realized I didn't like sales. Became a customer service supervisor. Quit that to stay at home when my second kid was born. Opened my own photo studio. Realized it was work and not as fun as it was as a hobby. Went back to school to be a nurse. It's still just not what I want. Im toying with school again but I don't know. Until I do I'm just stalling. Lol.
  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    I would like to win the lottery.

    Or be a kept woman.

    Meh, I'm an Industrial Engineer, technically "project manager" by title.
    It's a living, I've managed to spoil 2 kids as a single mother (18 and 17).
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    A Music and Fashion photographer... oh wait.

    A music and fashion photographer that is also a personal trainer on weekends....
  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
    What do you want to be.....an heiress or independently wealthy....reality check.....admin assistant here.
  • hookedonhappiness
    hookedonhappiness Posts: 4 Member
    I am currently working toward my associates of paralegal studies and once I reach that goal I want to go to law school.
  • third_time_lucky
    third_time_lucky Posts: 103 Member
    6 weeks ago i took the leap to "be what I always wantd to be" i am not officially a struggling artist :D couldnt be happier!!

    so far things are going well but such early days!
    put it off for years but hey, we gotta give it a go one day dont we ??
  • MARAG1408
    MARAG1408 Posts: 5
    That's just an AWESOME journey! Maybe you could be a writer? : )
    I just realized I forgot to mention I was in a polka/country/old rock band with my 2 brothers for 12 years.
    A writer, hey what the heck. try something new! :happy:
    I think AS WRITER
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    OP, you have accomplished so much in your life and still you strive to do more. How awesome is that?? You are great. :smile:

    For me, I'm not sure what I want to be when I grow up. I am what I have always wanted to be. I always wanted to be a mom. Corny, huh? LOL But that's what I am. Do I want to be something more? Yep! Am I sure what just yet? Nope. At 27yrs old, you would think I'd even have a small idea of what I'd like to do. I am going to enroll in college courses this Thursday (going to talk to someone a the education center on the military post we live on), and go from there. I THINK I would like to be a Nutritionist or Occupational Therapist. I haven't settled on one just yet though. :smile:
  • MARAG1408
    MARAG1408 Posts: 5
    Wow... you have accomplished a lot.

    When I was younger (and still to this day) I wanted to be a Veterinarian. But I was young and stupid once (like most of us) and decided that parting was a better idea. Then I had a nice suprise by the name of Angelica when I was 19 and decided it was time to grow up. I went to school and got a certificate in Computer and Business Management which lead to 15 years of Administrative work. I have worked many places from being a scale clerck at a drywall recycling company as my first job to selling gold, silver and other precious metals as one of my later jobs. I quit my job selling precious metals and worked as a conracted Marketing Assistant for Chevron Products company. I was laid off from Chevron, had a baby, then started another temp job at World Vision which was by far the best job I ever had. Once my contract ended there I did a few temp jobs at some horrible places that I will not mention and FINALLY got a permenant job with the city near where I live as an Administrative Specialist II.

    If you would have told me when I was younger that I was going to turn into a white collar business woman I would have laughed in your face. Not that being a business woman is a bad thing. I do love it and I make a great living for me and my family.
    But even to this day I still would LOVE to be a Veterinarian. But at 35 and two kids and a husband... I don't see that happening.
  • MARAG1408
    MARAG1408 Posts: 5