how to help my husband

Well I am losing the weight and started biking with my son but I knwo my husband wants to lose weight its just he is about 500 pounds and 6 foot 4. I was looking into getting him a bike but omg can u say way to much money. I have seen men on here who have lost alot. I need someone to tell me how to feed him. I pack his lunch but he eats it and fast food cause he stays hes hungry. I was looking in to the diet where u eat small amounts through out the day. Anyone try that? And like walking to start with but i dont want him to over do it and throw his back out after one week. ANyone have some advice for me. we have talked about dieting and all that but it never sticks. I know he has to make the decision but on the other hand its frustrating cause I make dinner and at 10pm hes making sandwiches. Help me help him. I know he wants it, its just doing it to fit our family.


  • jessicasager
    yea that's really hard. i know my boyfriend and i talked about it plenty and we both knew i wanted it. it was me that made the final decision though. there isn't anything you'll be able to say that will make up his mind for him. all you can do is continue to make healthy lunches and dinners, if he eats more don't say anything. when you go for walks ask him to come with, if he says no don't sigh or make a face at him. most of all, do you. show him it can be done and how great it feels once you get started. example is the best influence, i wish you the best of luck!!
  • 34at35
    34at35 Posts: 318
    If you read my profile, you'll see what motivated me. When my doctor told me that if I wanted to be around in 10 years to play with my granddaughter that I'd better do something about my weight. That's how he put it - we were talking about MY MORTALITY ! That was like being punched right between the eyes. It floored me. Unfortunately, your husband needs to understand that too. He needs to see his doctor and discuss his health and the options he has, including gastric bypass surgery, lapband surgery, and the way I did it - exercise, lifestyle and diet changes, and portion control with the help of a newer prescription appetite suppressant, Meridia. If he doesn't want to do it for himself (or think he needs to) ask him to do it for you, his family, and his future grandchildren. It is that important.

    Good Luck and if he wants to learn more about what I did, send me a message. I'll be glad to correspond with him.
  • Phatdaddymike
    im watching biggest loser, i wonder if he'd be game for that. i know it may not be the BEST way or healthiest, but just an idea. i think hed be a candidate.
  • michlingle
    michlingle Posts: 797 Member
  • smelmel
    smelmel Posts: 98 Member
    I eat every 2 or 3 hours and only do 30 min moderate exercise a day, on average lose .5 of a pound a week, I like it this way because I am never hungry and still have chocie for snacks and don't deprive myself. It's just slow but I look at it more like I will eat like this forever, it's not a diet. My Hubby wants to lose weight too and he always eats alot of bread so he replaced it with the big pita bread (he has 3 a day!), it's really filling and heaps less calories. Goodluck and I hope you all make it.
  • jessicajoy87
    I would try to encourage him to walk everyday. Since he is heavier see if he will start with 15 minutes and try to work up to 30 minutes or more a day. Have you every gone to ? Thats Dr. Oz's website. Its very helpful and gives you a reality check. I hope this helps. God bless.