Public exercise fear!



  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I run with the grace and elegance of an elephant with an acute case of haemorrhoids.

    Believe me, no matter how we look when we exercise in public, awe are ALWAYS miles ahead of the couch dwellers.

    Blank out the public, and focus on finishing your workout and know and believe you are in a HUGE minority of people who can have the drive and application to get OUT THERE and do IT!!
  • sunshine_gem
    sunshine_gem Posts: 390 Member
    If you love something you will overcome anything to continue doing it.

    Keep running.:flowerforyou:


    I have no words for the emotional reaction I had to this pic. Inspiring to say the least.
  • 512cheangela
    512cheangela Posts: 133
    I read this sometime last month and had to share -
  • sheri02r
    sheri02r Posts: 486 Member
    I always find it inspiring to see people running. It doesn't matter if they are overweight or look like they've stepped out of a fitness magazine, I'm still inspired! Go for it and I'm pretty sure you're going to fall in love with running :) Good luck!
  • 512cheangela
    512cheangela Posts: 133
    Oh wait, someone beat me to it :-). Much love, you can do this!
  • TXGirl821
    TXGirl821 Posts: 115
    I'm the "fat girl" at the gym. I'm always the biggest one there. I don't have cute workout clothes yet, I am sweating by the time I walk in from the parking lot. I can't move as fast as others.

    But I go. I work. I sweat. I smile at people, and they smile back. They talk to me and support me in ways that they're probably not even aware of. Because, you see, I'm THERE. I'm working, just like them. If some of them want to judge me for being big and sweating and all that, I'd rather they judge me in the gym where I'm giving my all rather than judge me as I stand in line at Popeye's fried chicken waiting for food.

    So my advice? Just do it. :) Just go and do your thing. It's for YOU, not for anyone else!
  • kwbernardo
    kwbernardo Posts: 19 Member
    It also helps to remember that the people passing you in cars are driving to their destination -- you are running to yours. They may get there faster, but you'll get there healthier (and probably happier). If you are panting and purple, you've earned it; that's a GOOD thing.

    I find that it helps to run early in the morning. There are fewer people on the road, and the runners that are out there are focused on their runs. And, as someone said above, runners tend to be very friendly and supportive of each other - at least in my experience.

    Good luck!
  • coloradocami
    coloradocami Posts: 368 Member
    Somebody posted a link to this blog about a month ago and it went as viral as anything can go on this website. It really hits home for these types of insecurities!

    Give it a read. It is VERY worth it!!!

    I did not expect to have such an emotional reaction to that! Bravo, beautiful, YES!

    Please check it out if you have not read it...and YES it did make me cry! Don't let your fear hold you back, you can do this!!!
  • kaymarie78
    kaymarie78 Posts: 104
    My face turns bright red when I workout! I just keep on keeping on and try not to let it bother me that I look like I dipped my face in red paint lol. I do have a funny story though. Two guys passed me on a long jog/walk, and when they went by I heard one of them say, "Is she sunburned?" to which the other guy replied, "I hope so." It actually made me giggle! And I'm sure I'll never see them again, so no worries! Just gotta focus on the fact that you're out there making yourself a healthier person....everything else (even embarrassment) seems less important after that!
  • KathieSwenson
    I started running 2 months ago outside and I weighed 267 pounds. I decided to not think about it and just do it. I've since lost 35 pounds, gained a healthy respect for myself and found out that the runners I have met are some of the nicest people I have ever met. In fact during my run today some woman passed me on my route (she was running the other way) and she high fived me! I don't get that at the gym! :-)

    THAT IS AMAzING that another runner would do that for you! I should try doing that as I see people and im out on the track running. any encouragement is good encouragement right! I run on a treadmill most of the time but my shelly girl (border collie) loves to go running. she would much rather be running than doing anything else. SO I do take her to the running tracks and run with her when its not 106 here in texas. 106 Is a little warm so I use the treadmill on those days.

    Regardles OP no one is going to be paying attention to you and if they do they are either idiots that could use some exercise themselves and are jealous or they are other runners and hopefully they are encouraging like this one person stated. I have had to get over my insecurities of exercising infront of people and honestly the only way I did that was to get into my martial arts class. Dont have a choice but to learn to be comfortable with it when you are in a formal setting like that. Anyways, I hope you do well and you get out there and you do it. :)
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I'm the "fat girl" at the gym. I'm always the biggest one there. I don't have cute workout clothes yet, I am sweating by the time I walk in from the parking lot. I can't move as fast as others.

    But I go. I work. I sweat. I smile at people, and they smile back. They talk to me and support me in ways that they're probably not even aware of. Because, you see, I'm THERE. I'm working, just like them. If some of them want to judge me for being big and sweating and all that, I'd rather they judge me in the gym where I'm giving my all rather than judge me as I stand in line at Popeye's fried chicken waiting for food.

    So my advice? Just do it. :) Just go and do your thing. It's for YOU, not for anyone else!

    you are my hero. really.
  • strawberrie_milk
    strawberrie_milk Posts: 381 Member
    I also used to be afraid of running outside because I thought I'd be laughed at. Really you have to learn to not care what others think. If they have a problem with you running outside, well that's their problem. Don't let them influence you. And honestly it's really not as bad as you think it is. I think most will just leave you alone. They're more concerned with their own lives than someone just jogging by. If anything, they'll just think, "Oh someone is working out. Good for them" and go back to whatever they were doing. I actually had people smile at me the first time I went running in public :)
  • dmariearce
    I look at it this way, you wanna check this out while i'm walking/trying to jog go ahead! half of them are thinking "i wish i could do that" anyway, or they just think you look hot running! i know b4 i exercized i'd see some girl running and no matter what they looked like i though "damm i should be doing that too"

    When i try in jog i know my girls bounce and my butt prolly giggles some and i look like i'm going to pass out cause i suck at jogging , all the while i hold my chin up cause i know people are wanting to be out getting their fitness on!
  • natpalit
    natpalit Posts: 113 Member
    I had the same thing, and I started running in winter. I went running while it was dark, so I felt less self conscious about myself. That eased me into being okay to run during the day.
    Also, though this might not help with making you feel less self conscious, if you have an ipod touch/smart phone, you can use an app like run keeper or map my run, which will log how far you run and how long it takes you. This will allow you to see how much you're progressing, which should help you to stay motivated. :)

    Good luck!
  • Garrett1234
    Garrett1234 Posts: 147 Member
    Just do it. Don't think about how you look or think you feel. I'm a salesman professionally and just turn off my own response to negative feedback (which hopefully you won't be getting! :). Try it a few times and you might just get over the hump.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    Do you know what people think when they see a runner (no matter what size and shape)?

    They think, "Dang! I should be doing that!!" or "I wish I could do that!"

    Or they just think, "Crazy runners!!" LOL