Hi Friends!

dagucrew Posts: 20 Member
Hey everyone! I've just joined MFP on the advice of my daughter, who's been a member for over a year. I'm 51, live just outside of Atlanta, Ga and am serious (this time) about losing 50 lbs and getting in shape. My elderly mother has recently come to live with us and the stress has truly got the better of me. While she doesn't suffer from dementia, she has several health issues we deal with. The several doctor visits we've been on since April have turned up very few answers for her many problems, so we just keep dealing. My husband and I also have 3 kids-the aforementioned adult (25) daughter-beautiful and gifted and possibly getting engaged soon, a our awesome 20 yr old daughter, who is going into nursing school, and a fantastic and super-involved 15 year old son. Our 20 yr old is home for the summer and our home is constantly busy-kids coming and going, people coming to visit my mom, family coming to enjoy hot summer days poolside...it's all pretty overwhelming and it's all my life! It's high time to get a handle on things-namely my health! My daughters and I are all vegetarian, with 1 foot in the vegan door. I've been trying to stick to The Starch Solution by Dr. McDougall. 15 years ago I was able to lose 30 lbs following the McDougall Program and better yet-bring down my cholestrol, bp, and blood sugar. I love to run and am doing a couch to 5 k program at the moment. Anyway-that's my basic story!!! :D


  • jlp100
    jlp100 Posts: 117 Member
    I'm from the UK looking for motivational & positive peops.

    If ur looking for a friend feel free to add me :)
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Feel free to add me if you like for motivation and support :)