Flat tummy

After the amount of weight that I have lost the fat seems to be disappearing in most places except my stomach (which is where I want it most to go!) Does anyone have any fitness tips or exercises or even foods that may help me get a flatter tummy???


  • Jayneopopsidoodle
    Jayneopopsidoodle Posts: 63 Member
    I have just been having this discussion at work this morning and moaning my head off about why it doesn't budge from my tummy area. I just get given 'its because you've had a baby' but there are thousands of people who have had kids and are skinny flat tummy people so thats no excuse.

    I think for me it will be the last place I lose, and i'll just have to put up with this and do cardio etc to burn the fat. Only when the fat is gone will it be worth doing the toning on that area
  • joybedford
    joybedford Posts: 1,680 Member
    I have the same issue i am quite happy with my body apart from my abs, I have a significant overhang that resembles rising bread not a good look. I am concentrating on lots of cardio to shft the fat and core work to tone it up at the same time. Its got a year and if it hasn,t gone I will be considering a tummy tuck not that I can afford it right now. LOL. I have had 2 pregnancies one large baby and a set of twins who were not small either so the skin has stretched significantly giving that dimpled effect. I also massage daily with a weleda anti cellulite oil does appears to help but it is slow going. If you find a miracle let me know but I suspect hard work and determination are the only way.
  • Gypsybiker
    Cut out any sugar. It's amazing how its in everything from bread to sauces. I had read the Flat Belly Diet, which is most def a FAD diet, and I followed the no sugar rule, good carbs vs. bad carbs and literally lost about 3 inches off my middle in a week.

    HOWEVER, as soon as I started to eat sugars again, the circumference went back up.

    I just logged into this site for the first time yesterday and am hoping it will steer me back on track. I have been excercising and watching my diet for about 6 months and have dropped 27 lbs. My goal is another 23. I have been slacking the last month and need to kick in high gear again. I will be decreasing my sugars, but prob not completely eliminating.

    Good luck! :)
  • herownkindofwonderfull
    herownkindofwonderfull Posts: 307 Member
    watch your sugar intake.
    continue lifting weights
    eat natural fat burners (lemon, sweet potatoes, red onions)
    building muscle will in turn burn the fat.... and diet will also help with the process.

    keep going. you'll get there.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I cut white carbs and have been doing lots of core exercises with an everlast slimming belt on that really makes me sweat loads around middle.

    Despite been told they don't make any difference I lost inches last time I used one, stopped losing inches when I stopped (just lost weight but no inches) then started losing inches again when I got a new one!

    I also wear zaggora hot pants over it too so the whole thigh, butt, stomach area sweats alot more, my thighs are also looking long and lean! :happy:
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    You can't target fat loss, and the stomach seems to be your body's Alamo, where fat prepares to make its final stand.

    You need to have a very low body fat percentage before you can even think about getting rid of the tummy. So get there first. 90% of this is diet. In the meantime, try doing planks regularly, so when you lose enough fat, the muscles will be visible: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHQmRINu4jU

  • Kara_xxx
    Kara_xxx Posts: 635 Member
    You lose from everywhere and often you notice it more in those areas where there isn't much to lose. For example I instantly notice weight loss on hands, feet and shoulders. The reason you notice it less around the middle is probably because there is a lot more spare.
  • beckie4442
    beckie4442 Posts: 132
    bump for later
  • twinmama2009
    I have had twins also and had to have a c-section. I cant seem to get rid of the belly fat also. help! I was told the only way to get rid of it for me is a tummy tuck
    I have the same issue i am quite happy with my body apart from my abs, I have a significant overhang that resembles rising bread not a good look. I am concentrating on lots of cardio to shft the fat and core work to tone it up at the same time. Its got a year and if it hasn,t gone I will be considering a tummy tuck not that I can afford it right now. LOL. I have had 2 pregnancies one large baby and a set of twins who were not small either so the skin has stretched significantly giving that dimpled effect. I also massage daily with a weleda anti cellulite oil does appears to help but it is slow going. If you find a miracle let me know but I suspect hard work and determination are the only way.