Nutrisystem: Has anyone tried it?

I'm going to school for dog grooming in MN. I live with my aunt temporarily. She eats out A LOT! I'm also vegetarian, which makes it harder to find food in restaurants. I was looking online for a meal plan that was also vegetarian. I noticed that nutrisystem is.
Has anyone tried them, even if its not the vegetarian plan.


  • stephelan
    stephelan Posts: 81
    I have never tried it but the people who have told me that they got really good results. It obviously does not teach you how to eat well but I do think that it can give you a good jumpstart on losing a big chunk of weight quickly but it's obviously not a permanent solution. Also, the fact that they're running a super summer sale for 40% off makes the issue of it being obscenely expensive NOT an issue!

    I dunno. I say give it a try? It really really can't hurt, I feel.
  • pitbullmama
    pitbullmama Posts: 454 Member
    Yes, been there and done that. Lost weight quickly however, it was expensive, tired of the food very quickly and of course I didnt learn to eat properly so all the weight came back fast plus more.
  • Discoveri
    Discoveri Posts: 435 Member
    I have done their plan (not the vegetarian one though). It worked for me when I was living at my parent's place and constantly tempted to go eat out with them. The food is blah but I expected that. Unfortunately, the second I got off the program I gained it all back because I suck at portion control. If you need to do it for a few months while living at your Aunt's house so that you aren't tempted, go for it. But it is not a forever thing and you may feel really restrained by the program. You may be better off buying healthy food and preparing it in advance so you have a meal ready for you in the evening.
  • Jacquirondinelli
    Jacquirondinelli Posts: 6 Member
    I tried it and lost about 15 pounds...but of course it's all back. What bothers me, now that I have been reading about preservitives remaining in your body, a lot of their food can last for 2 years and still be used. The portions are tiny and I ate a lot of salad with each meal, but it did not teach me how to feed myself properly. Years ago I used to make a whole chicken and a turkey breast or wing,,,cut it into portions and feeze it for the week. Just take a portion out of the freezer in the morning, and it's ready to heat up in the evening.
  • gogojenniko
    gogojenniko Posts: 31 Member
    I've been on it since November 2011 and I'm slowly coming off of it before I go overseas.
    Quite honestly, I've liked it a lot. I like a lot of the food, though it's finally gotten difficult for me to eat just because I got to the point where I ordered only what I liked. Other than that, I've put a lot of effort into using it and sticking to the "schedule" they suggest for it.
    Coming off of it *is* difficult though. While it has helped me learn about portions, and has shrunk my stomach a lot, learning how to portion correctly off of it is very time consuming. If you learn how to do it though, and really focus, you shouldn't have a problem.
    If it's only for a short time, I would go ahead and do it.
  • jagwab
    jagwab Posts: 93
    Its processed crap that will give you horrible gas.

    Why can't you buy your own groceries and prepare your own food?
  • cordianet
    cordianet Posts: 534 Member
    Yes, been there and done that. Lost weight quickly however, it was expensive, tired of the food very quickly and of course I didnt learn to eat properly so all the weight came back fast plus more.

    This was my experience too. Plus, the food was just nasty tasting.