Help understanding protein?

When we enter our food on MFP, at the bottom it shows calories, carbs, fat and protein. I have a lot to learn about nutrition, so here's my first question about protein. Am I right in thinking that while it's good to keep calories, carbs and fat low (within reason, obviously), getting lots of protein is good? I ask because my protein level is in the red today, and the main culprit of this was the tuna I had at lunch, but I'm unsure as to whether I should feel good or bad about that. Thanks a lot.


  • Hi. I wish I could answer your question, but this is also happening to me! Can someone please explain this?! Thanks!
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Protein is good - MFP sets it way too low....
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Totally ok to be over on protein. Good for you actually :)
  • LexyDB
    LexyDB Posts: 261
    Protein contains essential amino acids for muscle growth. Out of the three macronutrients, it is the last to be used as fuel and favoured by people trying to lose weight as excess is seldom stored in the body.

    Keep your fluid intake high if your protein level is high, assists the kidneys in flushing out any excess and take a bit of the strain off them.

    Helps you feel fuller longer but in food form, add it as a supplement if you are not meeting your daily quota, not because everyone else on here is throwing money at pointless shakes.
  • manderson27
    manderson27 Posts: 3,510 Member
    I have changed my settings to a higher protein level and reduced my carbs a bit. As the previous poster said MFP is a bit on the low side so don't worry if you go into the red :smile:
  • LexyDB
    LexyDB Posts: 261
    Totally ok to be over on protein. Good for you actually :)

    Why is it good to be over on protein?
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    Protein is good - MFP sets it way too low....

    This! I aim for over 100 g of protein a day. On days I exercise, I shoot for 150 g! If a rest day, I like it around 115-125. :)
  • I learned a lot from this post:

    It's a quick read and it really helped me understand all the different fats, carbs, protein, cholesterol, and supplements, whats good and whats bad.

    Hope it helps.
  • Linda_Darlene
    Linda_Darlene Posts: 453 Member
    You are fine! Don't be concerned about being over on protein. Not unless you suddenly start eating 500 grams a day or some such silly number. Personally, I've viewed carbs and fat as a goal to stay under and protein as a goal to go over! :smile:
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    Totally ok to be over on protein. Good for you actually :)

    Why is it good to be over on protein?

    Because our goal is weight loss in the form of fat loss. I would like to keep as much muscle as possible in the process of dropping weight. If my options are only to lose muscle or stay big, I'd rather stay big and have some muscle mass to me... *shrug*
  • LindaCWy
    LindaCWy Posts: 463 Member
    In the case of the learning curve try to focus on staying under your calorie goal eating good food then make the macros your next step. You will get to a point where you will have to balance out the macros according to what your goals are and you can change your goals accordingly.

    Alot of people tend to use the 40/40/20 split for optimum muscle gains...but if you aren't there yet start by making good food choices, do your research about nutrition and if you can afford it speak to a professional.
  • bossmodehan
    bossmodehan Posts: 210 Member
    Yes, the default on protein here is rather low, expecially if you work out.
    But I just want to quickly defend my favourite macro - fat!
    nutritional fat =/= bodily fat
    low fat diet =/= healthy diet
    it's a valuable nutrient for neurological function, assimilation of vits and mins, and helps meals to be satisfying and avoid hunger pangs.... if you take it in the appropriate form e.g. nuts, avocado, healthy oils.
    sorry, i know this wasn'tyour original question, it's just that people are so quick to slate fat and tar all fats with the same brush. I feel sorry for nutritional fat and feel obligued to defend it ;-)
  • LexyDB
    LexyDB Posts: 261
    Totally ok to be over on protein. Good for you actually :)

    Why is it good to be over on protein?

    Because our goal is weight loss in the form of fat loss. I would like to keep as much muscle as possible in the process of dropping weight. If my options are only to lose muscle or stay big, I'd rather stay big and have some muscle mass to me... *shrug*

    And how would exceeding the protein required to do this be a good thing? I know protein assists in preventing catabolism but most won't train hard enough for catabolism to feed on existing muscle anyway as carbohydrate and fat stores will be used first.

    So why is excess protein a good thing?
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    When we enter our food on MFP, at the bottom it shows calories, carbs, fat and protein. I have a lot to learn about nutrition, so here's my first question about protein. Am I right in thinking that while it's good to keep calories, carbs and fat low (within reason, obviously), getting lots of protein is good? I ask because my protein level is in the red today, and the main culprit of this was the tuna I had at lunch, but I'm unsure as to whether I should feel good or bad about that. Thanks a lot.

    My advice is to keep within the MFP goals they helped me to lose my first 20lbs then I started thinking more about it all.

    If you go over on your protein it is no big deal. I would chase sodium and sugar in your tracker if anything whilst you are starting out.

    (I am not going to go into a long drawn out thing over this) but this is my opinion and it has worked for me at the start :-)
  • trubwub25
    trubwub25 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks a lot everyone, all these answers are really helpful :)
  • mollyW2012
    mollyW2012 Posts: 94 Member
    I have changed my settings to a higher protein level and reduced my carbs a bit. As the previous poster said MFP is a bit on the low side so don't worry if you go into the red :smile:

    I have done this same thing! :)
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    Totally ok to be over on protein. Good for you actually :)

    Why is it good to be over on protein?

    Because our goal is weight loss in the form of fat loss. I would like to keep as much muscle as possible in the process of dropping weight. If my options are only to lose muscle or stay big, I'd rather stay big and have some muscle mass to me... *shrug*

    And how would exceeding the protein required to do this be a good thing? I know protein assists in preventing catabolism but most won't train hard enough for catabolism to feed on existing muscle anyway as carbohydrate and fat stores will be used first.

    So why is excess protein a good thing?

    Because it's actually NOT "excess." It's in excess of the mfp recommendation, which is TOO LOW to begin with. It's simply getting adequate protein. Period. You can read the big long article I put above if you'd like. It comes complete with references and everything. :)
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Totally ok to be over on protein. Good for you actually :)

    Why is it good to be over on protein?

    Because our goal is weight loss in the form of fat loss. I would like to keep as much muscle as possible in the process of dropping weight. If my options are only to lose muscle or stay big, I'd rather stay big and have some muscle mass to me... *shrug*

    And how would exceeding the protein required to do this be a good thing? I know protein assists in preventing catabolism but most won't train hard enough for catabolism to feed on existing muscle anyway as carbohydrate and fat stores will be used first.

    So why is excess protein a good thing?

    This is a new person asking for a little help so maybe the whys and wherefores are not completely necessary at this time...just a little encouragement;-) Everything does not have to turn into science. Maybe think back to when you first started and offer help from there...just saying?
  • LexyDB
    LexyDB Posts: 261
    Totally ok to be over on protein. Good for you actually :)

    Why is it good to be over on protein?

    Because our goal is weight loss in the form of fat loss. I would like to keep as much muscle as possible in the process of dropping weight. If my options are only to lose muscle or stay big, I'd rather stay big and have some muscle mass to me... *shrug*

    So why is it good going over? You posted it I'm just curious and not interested in Internet links to other sites if you'd care to explain?