just joined

keziahsuperstar Posts: 2
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi there everybody! I too, am new here, I actually just signed up an hour or so ago. I've been working out 30 min a day, 6 days a week for the last two weeks. Unfortunately the next four days they are closed for the holidays. It's a place called Butterfly Life, a lot like Curves. I fluctuate daily, anywhere between 192 and 198 pounds, today was 196. I'm not really dieting because I'm one of the pickiest eaters ever. I'm just trying to watch what I eat and do some portion control. I started taking charge because I really do not want to hit 200 pounds. I'm looking to get down to 140 pounds, the sooner the better. I want kids, but I don't want to be plus-size and pregnant, I want to be healthy. I started gaining the weight when I started this one medication, I'm hoping to be able to get off it soon and hopefully lose weight a little easier and quicker. I guess that's it for my story.



  • I am new as well and joined yesterday. I am at 227 and just quit smoking 3 days ago. Trust me, being over 200 is definately not where you want to be. Keep up the good work and exercise. I am going to need help and friends as well, especially since I just moved and do not have a job yet. I hope I can help and inspire people as well as be inspired. Happy Thanksgiving
  • way to go with the cigarettes! keep it up, you can do it!
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Pushing 200 is exactly what got me started as well. It was like after I graduated high school, I would have a new limit on what my weight could be. "Oh I will never be 160", "I will never be 170", etc. Then one day I looked on the scale and it was in the 190s. How the crap did I get there?!?! That was the absolute limit, 200 was the ceiling that I never wanted to reach, and I never did. I made a decision to join MFP, be honest with myself, and I lost the weight. It couldn't have been done without the support of the awesome people here at MFP, so keep posting and stay involved. We are your biggest fans and motivators. Welcome and good luck on your journey!!
  • Welcome newbies. This is the best place ever I swear. I've done in 6 months what I've been trying to do in almost 3 years. I've lost 18 pounds since June and it feels great already. I wish you nothing but the best of luck and remember when you are feeling down come here and we will be here to support you. That's one of the best things about this place. No matter what time of the day, some one will be here to help you.
  • Thanks for the encouragement, because I need it in all aspects!! Good luck to everyone and keep in touch. it is so inspiring to see the results on here!!
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    Congratulations on getting started. My story, keziah, is a bit different. I always yo-yo dieted, but didn't really have huge weight problelms until i had my children. Then I threw up my hands and quit dieting. I concentrated on parenting and my weight continued to grow unchecked for years.

    However, this summer the doctor really gave me the push i needed to get real about my health. I was on the brink of diabetes. Not where i want to be at all. So, in August the youngest daughter went to college and I came home and started dieting.

    Right now it is all about me and changing my life. I started dieting August 26. I joined a gym, and two weeks later started water areobics 3 times a weeks. And at the end of September, I got a trainer at the gym to set me up with a strength and weight training program for 3 days a week between my areobics classes.

    i carefully try to weigh on Wednesdays (my start date) and I'm in a challenge now that weighs in on Mondays, but I resist other days since watching the scale go up and down could make me nuts. i measure inches lost on the 26th of each month.

    It is taking determination, but I can do it. It will not be an overnight fix. I spent 20 years getting into this position. But I haven't "cheated" on my diet yet. And i haven't missed a day of exercise.

    The result: in 13 weeks I've lost 44 lbs. I started talking with folks on this site in October. This site has helped with good suggestions. People to talk to (even though dieting is now constantly on my mind, I do not want to be the person everyone knows who cannot carry on a normal conversation without discussing food & dieting & exercise). A place to log food and be honest about everything i'm eating. Good recipes. And support.
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