post pregnancy weight loss

Hi Iv been doing my ftiness pal for 2 weeks, the ffirst week i lost 9 lbs and was 15 1, this week whwn i weighed myself i am 15 7 3/4.

Dose anyone know if it is extremely difficult to lose weight after having a baby 4 months ago.

I haave been eating proper food and cutting my meal size down, iv also been doing loads off exercise, alot more than usual.

Does anyone knowwhy my weigh is shifting?


  • lovelyrose11
    lovelyrose11 Posts: 609 Member
    The scale may have gone up due to some water weight. For me - even if I eat within my calorie range but eat foods high in sodium the scale will go up. Also, try drinking 10 glasses of water a day to flush out any excess sodium. I lost 25 lbs after my first son and it wasn't easy but it wasn't really hard either.
  • canadakim17
    canadakim17 Posts: 24 Member
    It seems a ton harder to lose post baby...I don't know why! Feel free to add me as a friend, I have a 9 month old, so I feel your pain! For me, working out was the only thing that got me through it!!!!
  • My son is now 4 mo old, I joined mfp 6 weeks after I had him, you just have to keep working hard. It can be difficult at times, I have my bad days, but I just keep on going, I've lost over 20 lbs now, just stick to calorie counting, stay active and if you can NURSE! Good luck, don't get discouraged!
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    Don't get discouraged -- your body still has a pregnancy hangover. It takes more than 4 months for it to adjust back to its old self (and I'm not talking about weight). Not to mention all the added stress and sleep deprivation that comes with a newborn. I'm not saying you shouldn't try, because it's always a good time to start living more healthily; I'm just saying you shouldn't judge yourself by the normal standards just yet. If you're not losing like MFP says you "should" be, that's okay, don't beat yourself up and think you're doing it wrong. Eat right, get the exercise, and it WILL happen; just give your body a little longer to recover from pregnancy.
  • alicehmom
    alicehmom Posts: 2
    hey there i had my lo at 31 weeks by emergency csection and i lost most of the pp weight and then gained all of it back and i have been nursing and pumping since day one i just joined mfp almost a week ago and i am down 5lbs alot more to go but yay me :happy:
  • Im drinking about 2 litres of water, having green tea, having cayenne pepper tea and alot more weight loss trick. I might try water retention tablets see if they help. Thaanks for all the great advice

  • Iv just bought local honey from the beefarm, honey helps you burn calories through the night.

    So im going to swap sweetner for a tsp on hone in coffee, drink green tea with honey & lemon in it and have a warm cup of water with honey and lemon before i go to bed *kitten* it burns calories through the night.

    Lots and lots of just dance to be done, apparently a few 10 minutes exercise is better than doing a 30 minute workout.

    O and pineapple juice after every meal helps burn fat quicker and an apple before you eat helps to.

    Thank you so much for all your help. Does anyone know any tummy exercises as i still have the hard tummy and still look pregnant haha